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  1. I’ve been using this recipe of yours for a while now, thanks so much! I just blogged about it and linked here so that my readers can come and check it out! They came out awesome, thanks for sharing!!

  2. We made the soft chocolate chip cookies last weekend. WOW they were awesome. Doing a bake sale this weekend for the local animal shleter and they will be featured! Love the website!!

  3. OMG these look and sound sinful!!!! I can’t wait to try these! That is my favorite chocolate cake mix, so I always have a few boxes in my pantry! ?

  4. I just my last batch out of the oven! What a great dessert after a day at the lake! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I am licking the beaters from a batch of the soft chocolate cookies right now! I couldn’t resist making cookies with pudding in them, plus they spoke to my sweet tooth. 🙂

  6. Those look really good. Thanks for sharing, especially the soft chocolate chip cookies. I love soft cookies. Once I made some chocolate chip cookies and didn’t put in enough flour so they didn’t come out as “cookies”. But a week later my brother asked my mom when I was going to “screw up” another batch of cookies!

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