What’s the story in my world? Well, the word of the week would be pee.

Yes, I said pee. As in urine. As in pee pee. As in I’m potty training a 2 year old who is obsessed with pee, loves to pee on the potty and doesn’t seem to care if she is sitting in pee. I forgot what this was like! What a world of difference it is with a girl. She is truly interested in the potty, when my son could have care less. 

Okay, back to my week of pee and why I am writing about this stinky subject…

This peeing thing has begun to spread throughout the house. Literally! A few nights ago, my cat was shut in our media room, for goodness knows how long. Well, by the time I realized this, he had peed AND pooped on our new couch. Of all the places he could go in that room, he went on our FAVORITE seat on the couch!! Rrrrrrrrrrrrr! Why not the floor? Under the table? On the chair we never sit in? If you have never smelled cat pee, please be very thankful!! 

That same evening, my 5 year old son who has been sleeping through the night with absolutely no trouble, pees his bed! Of course the pee pad was not on the mattress and it soaked through to the bone. Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Okay, I’ve had it with pee!

The next morning, I remove my 2 year old’s diaper when she woke up. As I’m walking from her crib to the changing table (just 2 steps away), she is standing in her bed and “Let’s say it together”… she PEES! She did have the pee pad on, so it was not that big of deal, but I still thought. Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Right now I’m taking a break from, you guessed it, cleaning up pee. I accidentally put a swim diaper on my daughter instead of a pull-up. (for those of you without little ones, the swim diaper was made to hold in poop… not pee because the water just goes right through them) Guess what she did in her car seat while we drove to get ice cream? You guessed it!! This was not just a little pee, it was like someone had poured a bucket in her lap. So after the trouble of taking off the soaking pee filled car seat cover in the 108° car, cleaning up the drips on the floor from carrying it to the laundry room and washing it. I’m taking a break to write about my pee filled week.

I feel like poop and going to bed! Have a nice weekend.

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  1. okay. i just read the whole post. yay for the girly peein’ on the potty. sorry you had to have so many dates with the pee monster. i was laughing because i can so relate. when all three kids have the stomach virus it’s fun having dates with the diarrhea monster and the the vomit monster. those two monsters make me want slip covers and concrete floors. blessings!

  2. This is the funniestthing I have read in a long time. I am right there with you so I can TOTALLY relate.

  3. ummmmmm…you have a blog and i don’t know about it! COME! ON! that’s all i have to say. quit tryin’ with the pee and wait…i didn’t even read your post all the way through but that’s what i say to everyone. i adore you. now. that’s all i have to say.

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