I haven’t gotten very organized yet this year yet, but I am going to be a working on new meal plans very soon. Having dinners planned for the week help save time and money. So at least one part of my life will be organized! Guess that’s a start:-)

This week, I’m doing this plan with a printable grocery list. I like these recipes because they are fast and easy, plus these turkey burgers are one of the only things my son will eat!


Turkey Burgers

Cream Cheese-and-Pesto-Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Salina-Style Spaghettini with Cherry Tomatoes

BBQ Chicken & Cornbread Casserole (Crockpot dinner)

Spicy Dirty Rice & Turkey

Click here to get the recipes & Printable Grocery List

If you have a blog with yummy, healthy, kid friendly, or fast and easy recipes with photos, please contact me via email about being featured in my meal plans. I am now taking recipe submissions and sharing the blog love! Please tell your friends.

If you don’t have a blog, but have some great recipes- I’d love you to send them to me as well. You can find my email in the right sidebar- click on the little envelope icon.

Thanks! – Amy


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  1. I just blogged about being disorganized when it comes to meal planning and food buying, so to discover that you are doing this is like striking gold. thanks for shaing. and organizing!

  2. Gotta love the meal planning. It is the sole purpose of my blog! I cook large meals every week and pack off half to extended family members that could use a little hand, so meal planning online (even if all I do is link to recipes ๐Ÿ™‚ ) is indispensable. Really can’t figure out how I managed before it! Enjoy your week!
    .-= Zom´s last blog ..11.4 Snow and Slow and Low =-.

  3. Hey there! I started a food blog last September in addition to my other blogs since I LOVE cooking and know how hard it is to stay on track with 2 businesses & 2 kids! ๐Ÿ™‚ The most popular recipes on the blog so far that folks have emailed me about have been No Measurements Mushroom Marsala and the chowder recipe. I’ve got a bunch more that are, of course, half-drafts and will post as I can. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love your sites!
    .-= marlynn´s last blog ..Sausage & Pepper Stuffed Mushrooms/Breakfast Hash =-.

  4. I could not get your email button to work. I have lots of recipes and pictures on my site and would love for you to stop by.

  5. Just want you to know that I’m very excited for the 1st Birthday Party at i heart faces this week and to take time to thank you for your site and for the answers to the FAQ’s and all the wonderful things you’ve taught us! I’m just cheating and posting it here so you’ll be sure to see it. ; )
    .-= Rebekah´s last blog ..This Post is Sponsored By… =-.

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