I recently visited an antique shop in Dallas and wanted to share this booth with you. It gave me all kinds of design inspiration and was full of the best vintage school items and steel office furniture!

I have baskets like these in my kid’s closets, now I’ll have to pull them out to hang on a wall.

See those little quail eggs on top of the dark glass bottles? They were about $8 each. So if you find a quail egg anywhere, you’d better keep it!

I’m hooked on vintage inspiration! Check out my friend Julia’s Hooked on Houses “Hooked On” party for more fun things.

Don’t forget about my Surprise!

To say thanks to my followers. I’m doing a surprise giveaway next week. Want to win something? Then join me over in the right column with Google Friend Connect. The surprise and winner will be announced sometime next week! Subscribers will get a chance to win too:-)

**Please visit I ? Faces Friday morning to see my Fix-It Friday photo. We have some special guest contributors that we are very excited about!!

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  1. What a seriously awsome, fun shop. I could probably spend hours there. I, too, LOVE the vintage baskets…. so clever!! Love your fun blog too! You are one talented lady.

    PS.. I just love your little owls in your header!! So cute! Did you make them yourself?

    Rebeccaโ€™s last blog post..Seahurst

  2. That is a seriously cool set-up there! Of course, if I tried that in my home it would just look messy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I need a teeny-tiny bit of your style infused into my home. Pretty please?!

    theArthurClanโ€™s last blog post..Hello Gorgeous!

  3. I love all things vintage!! Thanks for the inspirations – I am working on some redecorating and this gives me some ideas!!


  4. What wonderful photos – you have captured some great looks here. I must learn to be more patient when browsing vintage stores.
    Please let us know if Amy manages to mail you some eggs successfully – sounds like a highly perilous undertaking !!
    And Amy, if that works, perhaps you have a new item for your Etsy store!

    Strugglerโ€™s last blog post..Bring on the Blues

  5. My father in law has 2 quails… they lay eggs constantly but they never hatch… I have TONS of eggs available ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d be afraid they’d fall and break and smell horrible. I guess you could blow the insides out? I’m not really down with egg decorating techniques. Haha. I can send you some eggs – if you want some, without the $8 price tag!

    Amyโ€™s last blog post..Fix It Friday & Season Finale Thoughts

  6. oh i love that pull down map hanging on the wall! i used to be fascinated with all the different maps that hung from the chalkboard in school ๐Ÿ™‚

    youngmiโ€™s last blog post..day off

  7. This is fun! Love the baskets on the wall. Now I’m looking around, trying to figure out where I could try something like that. Thanks for joining my party–hope you have a great weekend, Amy! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Julia @ Hooked on Housesโ€™s last blog post..Hooked on Brookeโ€™s Beach House

  8. Oh , I love this little booth too , I would have wanted the quail eggs , probably would have grabbed them all taken them up to the register and got a fright , when they rang them all up!
    Cool basket idea on the wall , i also love the little old books in the front.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Cheers , Helen

    Helenโ€™s last blog post..Breathe in…… breathe out…..

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