Here are a few tools to help save you time. I’m sure there are many more useful tools, these are just a few things I either use myself or have been looking into.

Nutshell Mail

Nutshell Mail sends you one email with all of your social network site activity. I just tried this out and got my first email this morning. This was really great, because I’m so bad with keeping up with everything. I’m excited about this!

Tweet Later

I’m a big fan of Tweet Later. It’s great for busy people! You can set your blog posts to automatically tweet. Say you were going out of town, but needed to promote something on your site, you can set tweets to automatically go out throughout the day. You can also set it to automatically unfollow those that unfollow you!

*** Twitter peak times are from 12-3pm. So if you only have one time a day to Twitter, do it between those hours!

Searching & Tracking

Tracer by Tynt

This was recommended by @ericaogrady who spoke at the Big (D)esign Conference, I haven’t tried this one yet. If anyone copies text or images from your web site, Tracer records the action, and automatically adds a link back to the original content when it is pasted. Now, you can see what is being copied from your site and benefit from the additional traffic generated by each copy.

Twitter Friends

Twitter Friends shows you all kinds of statistics about your Twitter account. What I like most is I can find a conversation I had with a person super easy! I was looking for a recipe @TidyMom sent me, so instead of doing a search on Twitter and scrolling through a ton of tweets, I was able to see everything right here:

More tools you might like to know about:

Twitter Search Sites

  • Twellow is basically the yellow pages for Twitter.
  • We Follow lets you search people by industry and hobby. Great for finding new people to follow.

Monitoring your activity

  • Google Analytics A free way to track your web site activity. It’s a must have, especially if you use Blogger.
  • Chartbeat This is neat because it tracks your blog and Twitter together! It’s not free, but you can try it out for 30 days.

Managing Multiple Accounts on Twitter

  • Twitterific Great for Mac users, I love this iPhone app! I can easily switch back and forth from each of my Twitter account.
  • Nambu This looks great too. It also lets you put friends into groups. I’m going to try this soon.
  • Seesmic Desktop This gives you Facebook and Twitter updates. It also allows you to orgainze friends into groups. The perfect tool for your desktop if you like Facebook & Twitter.

If you found this useful, please share this by clicking one of the buttons below where it says “Share this Post!”

Thanks – Amy

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  1. Wow, lots of cool new tools! I stumbled, tweeted and spread the word about this great post.

    I’m loving Nutshell, tweet later, and we follow. I’m too afraid to check my sites stats. I may become obsessed and forget to homeschool my children!

  2. I loved this post–thank you so much for compiling such great tools! I seriously clicked on 85% of them.

    Do you think google analytics is better than a statcounter or a sitemeter device? I have both installed on my blog already and don’t know if there is a big enough difference to add one more ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Interesting tools, they sound like they’d really help!

    My time saving tool is forgetting about Twitter and social media altogether for long periods of time. Good thing my memory is fading with old age, it saves me a lot of time.

    Tee hee ๐Ÿ™‚

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