The Help Movie - Behind the Scenes

The Help movie just opened in theaters. I told you earlier this week about how my friend and I got to visit the movie set last October to meet Octavia Spencer, Viola Davis & Emma Stone. (I also included a review with a great giveaway).

Here are more fun behind the scenes photos of the movie set!!

Long story short, my suitcase never came, so I was without clothes. (You can read more about what happens when you loose your bags in Mississippi here. ha!) A nice young man from the hotel in Greenwood dropped me off at the local JCPenney to pick up some undies and a few shirts. After my shopping spree, he was proud to show us around the town.

I snapped a photo of this house because of the old cars outside. Little did we know until watching the movie that it was Elizabeth’s house! Kind of cool when we saw my photo on film.

The Help Movie - Behind the Scenes

The next day, we headed to the set to watch the filming of the movie. Ever wonder what the inside of those trailer’s look like? Me too! Most were the movie star’s trailers, so we couldn’t barge in on them. But we did get to visit one!

The Help Movie - Behind the Scenes


This is the make-up trailer! I wasn’t supposed to take photos, but I did anyway. Really, there’s not much to see here, so I think I’m okay:-) Although I’m guessing that’s Celia’s wig.

The Help Movie - Behind the Scenes

We got to see a lot of photos from the movie here and talk to the head make-up artist. It sounded like they were so busy and had a huge job with those costumes. I think she said it took about 3 hours to do one person’s hair and make-up. But what a fun job!


Lunch on Set

I have NEVER been to lunch on a movie set. So I was fascinated with the huge tent full of food. Movie stars were walking around in character and I’m taking photos of the food. Ha! Yeah, something is wrong with me. I’ve never seen so many bottles of salad dressings and hot sauce in my life! I had to take photos.

The Help Movie - Behind the Scenes

Really? How many different condiments do you need? You should have seen all the food. Southern heaven. If I ate that for 6 months, I would have gained 30 lbs at least! I’m guessing those actresses don’t eat much.

Southern Food The Help Movie

I was also fascinated by the HUGE amount of pork skins at the local gas stations too. What’s with me and food? ha!

Pork Skins in Mississippi


After lunch, we went back into the warehouse for more filming and shopping for props, then we were off to the Viking Cooking School with the rest of the winners. No pork skins there.

The Help Movie Winners

What a wonderful trip! It was fun to see actors we recognized (Ted Danson & Kieran Culkin) walking around the town and hotel. I’m sure the people of Greenwood had a ball with the movie being filmed in their town!


Check out more movie set photos in my movie review…

Celia in The Help Movie

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  1. I haven’t had a chance to read the book but it’s next on my list. I have heard wonderful things about the book and the movie…can’t wait to experience both!!!! I’m excited about a chance to win the signed copy of The Help. A group of women (friends and neighbors) are bringing readers and book clubs together to see the movie, have some fun and “Help” women. This book would be a wonderful auction item for the Books Inspiring Help Benefit where all the proceeds go to the Sojourner Family Peace Center, a women’s shelter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ( Thanks!!! Now off to Facebook:)

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