I recently got back in touch with a friend from high school via Facebook. I’d always wondered what happened to Chad. He was always so classy, fashionable (no 80’s mullet for him!) and ahead of the times, I should have known he would turn into a fabulous designer! I’m so impressed by all the talent my little home town produced:-)

When I saw his beautiful work, I couldn’t wait to ask him to write a few things for my blog!! So today I want to introduce my long time friend, Chad Renfro, who is now a fancy smancy interior designer in Palm Beach and principal of Chad Renfro Design.

Chad has clients in Palm Beach, The Caribbean, The Hampton’s, Manhattan, Nantucket, and Naples. He’s here today to give us tips on how to wow people with our table decorating skills! Now I need to have a party so I can experiment:-)

Please give Chad a warm welcome in the comments. We want him to come back… I really need some new ideas for my home!

Don’t be afraid to use color!

If you are apprehensive about using color refer to a color wheel and use two colors which compliment each other. Table cloth one color, napkins, flowers the other.

Mix & Match

A table scape does not have to match your decor. In fact you can use it as an escape and create your own little world on your table. Some examples are the beach or sea, or a particular country to go with your menu. One of my favorites is a mixture of various china and silver collected from garage sales and small glass vases and silver containers filled with garden flowers. You can then mix and match everything and can serve great comfort food with this look.

Think “Outside” the Box

Dressing your table does not have to have to cost tons of money. I love using finds from nature no matter what time of year it is. It gets you out of the house and in to nature and it’s “green”, the only carbon footprint it has is your own in the snow or on the lawn.


Always check your local rental company for fun things that you can rent to add to your own. It is an inexpensive way make your tabletop.

Experiment with Flowers

Buy flowers in bunches from the grocery store. Use recycled vases or containers or look for deals on square vases and stones or marbles to add a contemporary look. Cut flowers short and keep them tight in the vase. This way they take up more water and don’t block the views of your guests.


Do a run through with your family. They will be surprised and YOU won’t when it comes time for the real dinner party or event.

Thanks for the great advice Chad! So happy you could be here today.


Photos by Lila Photos

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  1. What were you all drinking in that Oklahoma water growing up? Send some to me so I can get a smidgen of the talent that you all seem to have. 🙂

    Awesome ideas and beautiful photos. It’s great having you here Chad!

    theArthurClan’s last blog post..Surprising Mom.

  2. Amy Thanks!!! for the beautiful post and kind words! I am still blushing.
    Thanks to all of you who commented as well.
    Look for more decorating tips soon.

  3. I love the color’s it makes me so ready for summer and for a party!! I have to say I’m not the least bit surprised how amazing he is!

    Thanks for the tips Chad!

  4. Stunning- love the colors! Chad, thanks for taking the time to share your ideas- I’m always looking for new ways to dress a table-
    There were several things from your table that gave me ideas!
    It’s a Happy Day!

    teresa’s last blog post..Do you think I live in the Zoo?

  5. Wow, so beautiful, and great tips! Thank you, Chad, for great inspiration. And thank you, Amy, for bringing him here! I hope he’ll come back with more pictures and ideas!

    Teresa’s last blog post..I ? Faces ~ Laughter!

  6. This whole “tablescaping” concept is so fascinating. I think we have all been doing it for years…just without a name. WTG on the business Chad! 🙂

  7. Beautiful table. I also noticed that it looks like the table was set under a canopy, but a temporary fence was put around it to enclose it and make the experience more private.?? If so, great idea!

  8. I love creating a beautiful table. My husband does the cooking and I do the decorating I think they equally contribute to a fun party.

    Thank you for all the ideas – I can’t wait to try the color wheel and garage sale find tips. We usually have family or lifelong friends for the main event – but I’m going to keep in mind the rehearsal advice if I have a need-to-impress.

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