Super Hero Birthday Party Ideas and Free Party Printables.

batman party invitation - Super Hero Birthday PartyA Superhero Birthday Party is always a hit with little boys. My son was a slightly obsessed with Batman a while back… so I know how much fun this party theme can be!

Check out this awesome Superhero Birthday Party Idea for DIY Capes and Masks by my friend Jenn Kirk at Ambrosia Girl. Scroll down for FREE party printables she made just for Living Locurto readers!

Superhero Cape Decorating

You need a super craft for a superhero party! For a fun party activity, Jenn had a cape decorating workshop.

Each child was given a package that included a pre cut black cape, felt mask, and a stencil of their initial to trace onto felt.

Superhero Birthday Party Ideas, Free Printables and Cape Craft.

Tables were stocked with glue, extra colors of felt, string, scissors and foam shapes for decorating capes. After the decorating was over, parents tied the capes and masks on the kids and they instantly became super!!

Superhero Birthday Party Ideas, Free Printables and Cape Craft.

What a fun superhero birthday party activity that both kids and parents will love!

Enjoy these FREE PRINTABLES to make your Superhero Birthday party complete!

Superhero Free Pattern Cape - Birthday Party Ideas

Superhero Cape Free Pattern
Use this basic shape for capes. Black stretchy t-shirt material is great for capes.

Superhero Mask Template - Birthday party ideas
Download the Free Printable Superhero Mask Pattern Template


Download ‘Bif’ ‘Zap’ and ‘Pow’ Bursts – Use for party decor or invitations.

I added my own Free Printable Party Invitation after getting Jenn’s cute “Bursts”.

Print this Superhero Training Party Invitation and place in a file folder marked “TOP SECRET”.

Super Hero Birthday Party - Free Printable Invitation

Click here to download the Free Printable Superhero Party Invitation

All Printables ©2010-2014 Living Locurto ~ For Personal Use Only

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  1. Thanks for all your ideas and templates… very helpful in planning my sons combined 4&5th birthday party.

  2. just wanted to say thank you for sharing your ideas and templates! this has been such a help! My DAUGHTER wanted a superhero party (AVENGERS LOVER!) and I am clueless as to ideas! This really got my creative juices flowing! thanks again!

  3. Thank you sooOOoo much for these printables! Need these for my niece’s Batman bday party. She is turning 5 and this will help to make it a great day for her!

  4. You can make capes out of old/new T-shirts by leaving the neck ring to go over the head, and in front of the neck, while cutting everything else away except the back piece.

  5. Thank you for the superhero mask templates! This just made our party!! I cut out a bunch of mask peices and let them design their own masks with stars, hearts, flowers, lightening bolts, etc. AWESOME! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Would love a little info about these. Am having a superhero birthday party in a couple of weeks and am planning on making capes for the kids. What is the material here for the cape? The one pic where they are being decorated looks like the material used was a no sew item??? Taht would be WONDERFUL to find out! Thanks!!

  7. Hello, wonderful printables! I love them all! I am having trouble downloading the super hero templates. I’m not sure if this one is even included because it is not mentioned, but do you have the stencil templates? If so, could you please send them to me. Thanks

  8. @shanmcclam,
    This party was by my friend, Jen. To me, it doesn’t look like felt capes, but a t-shirt type of fabric. I would use fabric glue for the felt letters. Punch holes in the masks and use elastic string.

  9. I am asking the same question, what material did you use for the capes. 1. The cape template doesnโ€™t seem to be working. Could you send it to me please?
    2. Are your capes made of felt?
    3. How did you attach the emblems/letters on to the capes so the kids could wear them immediately?
    4. What did you use to keep the masks on the kids?
    please email me

  10. LoveLoveLove this!! I want to do a SuperHero themed birthday party for my son’s 4th birthday party… I had a couple of questions, kinda the same as everyone else but I didn’t see the answers…
    1. What fabric did you use for the capes?
    2. What did you use to glue/adhere the stuff to the capes so that they could use them right away?
    3. I couldn’t get the template to come up can you send them to me??


  11. I am planning a Super hero party form my son. I love the capes, but can’t seem to find the template to download, can you send it to me? Thanks!

  12. Where did you buy the felt rectangles?
    Do you have the template for the back of the cape?

  13. I’m planning a superhero party for my almost 4 yr old son – yours looks like so much fun! I have a few questions, though:
    1. The cape template doesn’t seem to be working. Could you send it to me please?
    2. Are your capes made of felt?
    3. How did you attach the emblems/letters on to the capes so the kids could wear them immediately?
    4. What did you use to keep the masks on the kids?

    Thank you, thank you!!

  14. I have read a few good stuff hereDefinitely price bookmarking for revisitingI wonder how much attempt you set to create this kind of great informative website.

  15. Hi!
    Just came across your posting. Love the cape idea!! What kind of fabric did you use to make them?


  16. I love your ideas. My son is turning four and decided he wants a Batman birthday party. I had been looking all over the internet for kids masks to buy, but I love your ideas! Can’t wait to see what else this website has to offer!

    Thanks for all the great ideas!

  17. I love your ideas & greatly appreciate you sharing them.My son wants a Power Ranger party.So this is info. is helpful.Thank you :]

  18. I know I am late to this party, but I love these. My 16 year old daughter is graduating from High School and she wants a Batman themed graduation party. I cannot wait to use some of these ideas. A friend from work designed her invitations. I think it is going to be such an awesome party.

    Thanks for sharing these printables. They are perfect!

  19. This is just what I was looking for! How did the kids stick the felt letters to their capes? Is that adhesive backed felt squares? If so, where can I find it? Do they have it at Michael’s? Also, what type of fabric did you use for the capes? Thanks for your help. I am not a subscribed member, so if you wouldn’t mind sending a reply to me at amy_breedlove at msn dot com

  20. What did you use to tie the capes? Velcro? Did you sew it on? LOVE LOVE LOVE these ideas! My little superhero is s o excited about his third birthday party!

  21. Best you should make changes to the page name title Super Hero Birthday Party | Living Locurto – FREE Printables, recipes, party ideas and crafts. to something more specific for your subject you write. I loved the post yet.

  22. I LOVE THIS and am planning my 4yr old super-hero-fanatic’s b-day party, as i post this so any help is greatly appreciated. I am totally using ALL these ideas but what fabric did you use? It looks like you did not have to finish the edges with a stitch. That would make the capes sooooo much less work for me. And I cant seem to get the printable of the cape?

  23. Hi! My son wants a super hero party in July and I want to make about 15 capes. What material did you use? and How did you make them? All the patterns or ideas that I have seen so far seem very complicated.

  24. How did you make the capes and with what kind of fabric? They are perfect and have such simple lines. All the other ones I have seen look way more complex.

  25. I just showed this to my son and we both love the idea! We will be doing this idea for his next birthday ~ he’ll be 6! Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. LOVE this I am doing a SUPER SIXTEEN party for my daughter
    love the ideas on this. we are going to lazer tag,having make your own “hero” sandwich, super suckers, ring pops. we are providing capes for all. Invites are stamped on primary colored foam.

  27. i’m planning my son’s fourth b-day,,and a superhero is the theme..i love your ideas..what kind of fabric did you use for the cape..


  28. I’ve printed and had my little girl hand deliver these awesome invites and got so many compliments already. I’ll make sure to take some photos, party is this weekend. Thanks again!

  29. I love your invitation. I am having a Superhero party for my sons. Thank you for putting your invite up to print. Unfortunately I have to change the grammar since its for two boys. Is there a site that you got this from that I may be able to download directly to make appropriate changes? Thank you for your help and awesome ideas!

  30. oh my goodness. you don’t know how happy I am to have found you! I am in the midst of planning my 3 year olds superhero birthday party and this post is PURE GOLD. thank you!!

    wide open spacesโ€™s last blog post..Laura Stoddart

  31. Love your party ideas! I plan on making the capes for my son’s super hero party. How did you attach the felt cut outs to the capes? Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. Thanks! This is fabulous. My twin boys will be 5 this spring and want a super hero party. I can’t wait for the capes and masks. Any suggestions for the cape material? I suppose something that won’t need to be stitched around the edges.

  33. Awesome, Amy! I love your cake! Especially the custom billboard–perfect! And I’m so excited about the cape download! My sister is planning a superman party for her son this month and I was telling her to do the capes, but didn’t have a pattern for her. I’m going to send her here! Thanks for being my first party guest! You’re the best!

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  34. I love everything about your super hero party; the invitations, the costumes, the decorations and especially the kids. You are definitely the queen of parties. Thanks for such a fun post.

  35. WOW. Fabulous party idea. Love the capes. That’s been stored in the memory bank for when my little guy is a bit older.

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  36. Such wonderful, fun, and creative ideas! We’re having a long, very frosty winter, and these masks and capes would be great for indoor playtime too. Thank you for sharing!

  37. Oh my goodness- talk about fabulous details- How fun you girls are….and great Mom’s-
    I wonder if my husband would enjoy a super hero party :}
    Thanks for sharing- made my day!

  38. Amy,

    Those are some great ideas!! And how creative of you to come up with that cake and all the decorations. My daughter just had her 6th birthday and daddy was totally in charge of what happened. Go to this link and tell me how you think I did. Its always nice to ask a fellow Texan. Dont forget to look at all the pics, they’re the best part!


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