Things have been so exciting around here, I just have to share the scoop!

I have been talking with Disney {Yes,THE Disney} for the past few weeks and so happy to announce I will be creating content for a new series of holiday guides on!! Seriously… this is one of my dream jobs. I’m so thrilled!!

Be sure to follow on Twitter & Facebook to keep up with all the fun.

I’ll be sure to tell you about my goodies over here as well. I won’t be doing Disney Character designs, but original content. is Disney’s web site that is geared more towards moms and everyday life. I know you’re going to love what I’ve been working on for Halloween! Now you know why I’ve been talking about Halloween so much over on Facebook. I’ll be up to my eyeballs in spooky things this weekend while getting everything wrapped up. Then it’s on to Christmas:-)

Here is more great news if you haven’t heard…

My other site, I Heart Faces, just won the BlogLuxe Award in NYC for “Best Eye Candy!”

We are just so thrilled to be among this fabulous group of bloggers!!

  • Avery’s CEO Chief Executive Organizer: Petit Elefant & Simple Mom
  • Guilty Pleasure Blog: Go Fug Yourself & Mama Pop

Carnival Brand Ambassador

I’m sure you know by now that I was asked to be a Brand Ambassador for Carnvial. I love traveling as much as crafting and designing. So working with Carnival has been a total blast!!

A friend gets honored!

My good friend and I Heart Faces business partner, Angie, was just listed as’s TOP 50 Must-Read Moms of 2010. Her blog, The Arthur Clan is wonderfully written with gorgeous photos! I’m so excited she was honored with this:-) YAY! ANGIE!

Lots of exciting news right?

All of those sleepless nights working on designs, web sites and actual real work seem worth it now:-) Thanks so much for your support, spreading around my designs and reading my blog. I’m very blessed to be doing what I love!!

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  1. I’m not sure which one to congratulate you on first, the Family Fun {holy cow I think I’d melt of happiness!}, the SocialLuxe Lounge award, or the Carnival cruise business.

    Awesome sauce!

  2. Holy cow…talk about exciting….Happy Day to you! You will do awesome!
    I can’t think of anyone better for the job.

  3. I’m so glad you finally got to spill the beans about this Amy…so amazingly proud of you!! You are going to knock Disney’s socks off! ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS – Thanks for the awesome shout-outs. Love ya girlie! ?

  4. @Kim @ The Celebration Shoppe,

    Thanks! I don’t think my work will be in Family Fun Magazine, but you never know? That would be really cool if so.

  5. Couldn’t be happier for you Amy!!! So exciting!!! I’m a Family Fun Magazine fanatic. We pour over it each month and I tell every mom I know that they need to get a subscription. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Amy! I’m so excited for you.. SO many things happening all at once, and all good! I’m not one bit surprised; you have so much talent that it HAD to be recognized, as does Angie. What a match made in Heaven when you two got together… truly one of those rare events that leads to showers of blessings. I’m smiling from ear to ear…

  7. AMAZING news all around… I cant think of more talented and wonderful people to get the honors!! Way to go!


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