Star Wars Legos Free Printable Graduation Party Tags

It’s graduation time! I thought some Star Wars Legos party printables would be great for any age of graduate. Whether you’re hosting a preschool or senior graduation party, these cute tags will surely create some fun conversations!

Star Wars Legos Free Printable Graduation Party Tags

For use with a 2″ circle punch, use these tags for cupcake toppers, gift tags, straws, decoration, or for scrapbooking.

Star Wars Legos Free Printable Graduation Party Tags

To get these fun Star Wars printable tags for FREE, just sign up for my e-news.

Enter your name and email in the sidebar and you will get an email with a link to the free Star Wars Graduation tags.

**Only available for a limited time!

If you already receive daily updates from me, you should find a link to download these freebies in the newsletter sidebar.

You may also download these free Senior 2011 tags pictured below here.

2011 Graduation Free Printable Cupcake Toppers


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  1. Oh Please Please Please update the star wars cupcake toppers for 2012 and let the grads (well the Mom’s) use them-PLEASE….

  2. You just made my YEAR with these star wars grad printables!! I have a son that will be graduating this May along with his best friend. They have been jedi masters since they were 2, so these are the perfect thing for the graduation party!! I can not wait to work them into the decorations for the party. Thank You So Much!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I am a teacher and my students love legos. This will be an awesome treat for their graduation!
    Thank you!

  4. I got this e-mail and was so excited to find a graduation tag and read that it will only be available for a short time. Boy that was really a short time. Got it on the 10th and had time this morning to download and poof!! already not available!!

  5. Cute! But since Lego and Star Wars Characters are both copyrighted, did you legally have to license the characters to distribute? I, too, am a graphic designer and would be leery of creating anything that infringes on anyone’s copyright. Even though you are not selling, this still could be seen as stealing possible revenue from the big boys. We don’t like it when people “borrow” our creations, and the big companies are no different. Just curious…

  6. Oh I LOVE these, also wondered ab text alterations.. its so perfect for my 5th graders graduation party at the laser tag place but he isnt a senior…lol, part of class ’11 and will probably only attempt to rule 6th grade in the near future!! really cool though.

  7. Hi, I already receive your newsletter.

    How does one download the Star Wars Graduation Freebie.

    Also thanks for all the other freebies they are gratefully appreciated.

    Kindest regards kendell

  8. Dear Amy,
    just read on facebook about you being stolen from. So sorry that had to happen to you. I know what it feels like to be stolen from and it is heartbreaking.

    RE: star wars graduation-my autistic son graduates in two years. He is a sophomore. This would be perfect for him. Any way I can get his graduation year on these. Do they convert to word?

  9. Wow, these are amazing thank you, thank you, thank you! I am making cupcakes for my son’s preschool graduation next week and I will put pictures on my blog and link to you:)

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