This month each Friday Feature will be about something wonderful I’ve found for Halloween. Enjoy!

Do something fun this year and host a Pumpkin Party! Check out DecoArt’s Pumpkin Painting Idea Center. They have over 40 adorable ideas.

Then download my Pumpkin Party Invitation and let the fun begin!

Download this FREE Pumpkin Party Invitation

Don’t forget my Halloween Owl Tags for the goodie bags:-)

Another FREE download you have to get this Halloween is Love Manor’s Potion Labels. These are so cool! I’m excited because I usually have to make these myself. Now I can just download them and print at home. Thanks Johnny Love! You’ve inspired me to make a jar of eyeballs, just so I can use your label:-)

Potion Ingredients LabelPotion Ingredients Label

Potion Ingredients LabelPotion Ingredients Label

A magical artist I just discovered is Vanessa at A fanciful Twist.

Vanessa has more talent in her pinky than I do in my entire body! You have to visit her web site and see her Halloween Line at Etsy! Vanessa also hosts a Mad Tea Party that will make you feel like you really are Allison in Wonderland!! I think her photos and art from her party are the most wonderful thing I have EVER seen on the internet. NO JOKE!



Join Vanessa’s Halloween Blog Party on October 18th.

Then get ready for mine on the 19th! Lots of parting going on this month!

Another great site I have already told you about, but wanted to feature again is One Pretty Thing and her Halloween Roundups. You could spend hours going through all the great things she’s found.

Look at this old doll stuffed with lights! Spooooky! I like making these mummies for kid parties too.

I also love this round up find… Canned Halloween Monstrosities!! Click the photo for directions. Then print Love Manor’s Potion Labels and you’re all set. I think a baby doll head or foot would be pretty creepy too! ha!

Little Ant Design is having a ghoulish giveaway from Tim Turner, owner of The Goulish Gallery.  One lucky reader will win a haunted masterpiece – a 16×20 changing portrait of their choice. Go here to learn more about this contest.

I love these! I just bought a couple of cheap changing portraits, but would love to win a large nice one from Tim Turner. This one really creeps me out… Meet Little Edna!

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Freaky about Fridays? Then you’ll like my other Friday Features:

If you love FREE downloads check out my original designs HERE

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  1. Oh my gads! That’s a lot of very cool spooky stuff – love the doll with lights and the changing portrait! EEEK!

  2. Thanks for featuring the pumpkin site! I’ll give you a shout out on my twitter to all my followers. But will do tomorrow or Monday. I want to make sure that people see it and it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of twitter!

    Love that you provided the pumpkin party invite as well! I may have a couple of ideas if you’d be interested that I’ll have to discuss with you for the holidays!

  3. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Weekend of the 16th, my daughters, my sister, and I are going on a retreat, right outside of Mineola. I am trying to think of the name of it… Baili Teal Retreat…that’s it! They do nothing but scrapbooking and quilting. and they stay booked for like FIVE years in advance. The people who own it are retired teachers; the Main House…their home is where the meals are served; and then there are three other buildings where you sleep. one building looks like a barn! Some of it’s a tad “cluttery” for me, but it’s cool! They give you a neat pair of fluffly cotton slippers to wear when you arrive! ๐Ÿ™‚
    It’s a neat place; something you might consider sometime. A huge room for the crafting w/ kitchen supplied! Altho everyone brings their snacks and what they want to drink….wine, etc. to keep in the Craft House. Three wonderful meals a day. AND….you can sign up for a massage!
    Hope this retreat goes well for you this weekend, and it will be “old home week” for you and your friends.

    HAVE FUN!!! Ruth Ann

  4. You don’t like Halloween at all, do you Amy? ๐Ÿ™‚

    You found so many great sites, I don’t know where to look first. It all looks so fun!

    Hope you’re enjoying your MOPS weekend away,

    Angie in OH

  5. Thanks for posting a link to my giveaway over at Little Ant. I love Tim Turner’s work and want to get the word out about him to other Halloween enthusiasts.

    Hope you’ll come back for more visits at Little Ant.

  6. Love today’s entry!!! I did go to LIttle Ant Design and entered my favorite. Kind of ironic that those old-time portraits are being featured as last night I began a project of touching up really old family photos from my husband’s side. Great fun as I had never seen the pictures before and some of them are really interesting!

    You’re inspiring me to drag out the Halloween tubs this weekend, Amy. Thanks!!!

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