Host a Pumpkin Painting Party for your kids with these fun party ideas!

Host a Pumpkin Painting Party for your kids with these fun party ideas!

Adorable Halloween Pumpkin Party Ideas for Kids


I hosted a fun Halloween Pumpkin Painting Party for the neighborhood kids! We have several new neighbors, so this was a fun way for everyone to meet and greet.

I did some test pumpkin painting before my guests arrived. Because my 2 year old is obsessed with Minnie Mouse right now… look what I made her!!

Minnie Mouse Halloween Painted Pumpkin. A Cute Disney Halloween Idea

Think she liked it??? ha!

Cute Minnie Mouse Pumpkin! Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

I used wooden skewers to stick the small ear pumpkins into Minnie’s head. The rest, I painted by hand, then added a pink bow!

Time for the party to begin!

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

I found tiny aprons at Hobby Lobby. They were half off! Love Hobby Lobby!


Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

I also found some foil cupcake pans at the grocery store, then filled each cupcake area with paint and a brush. No mixing the paint this way!

I also covered the tables with press and seal cling wrap. It just sticks right to the table and no mess! Target has some cute Halloween press and seal.

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

Contests are always fun at parties. The kids all loved guessing how many pumpkins were in the jar. They each had to write down a number several times! Can you guess how many? (41 is the magic number!)

My son guessed 88. He cried when he didn’t get the prize.

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

Of course there were lots of “P” snacks. Popcorn, punch, pretzels and pumpkin bread!

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations. LivingLocurto.comFun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

If you want to have your own “P” is for Pumpkin Party. Download my FREE Printable Invitation.

Pumpkin Party Free Printable Invitation -

The kids were so proud of their pumpkins! They even sat still for several photos. Wow!!

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations. LivingLocurto.comIMG_2582 by you.IMG_2600 by you.

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

Pretty Pumpkins…

Fun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations. LivingLocurto.comFun and easy ideas for hosting a Halloween Pumpkin Painting party for kids! Free Printable Invitations.

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  1. This was a while ago, but I think we used a washable craft paint. Washable paint is always a good idea with kids! Acrylic craft paint works best for sure.

  2. Hi, what kind of paint did you use for the kiddos to paint pumpkins? Washable tempera paint or acrylic? Having a 3rd birthday party for our daughter and painting pumpkins, just not sure what paint is best and for toddlers!? Thanks.

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  5. @Louise,
    After I had pumpkins in different sizes sitting around the

    house in arrangements for Halloween, I would spray paint

    them gold and silver for Thanksgiving and Christmas

    decorations. Arranged by the fireplace (gas) with lots of

    other holiday decorations, floral, etc, it really looked classy.

  6. I love minnie and I love your creativity, need I ask ,but what paint did you use. I love the originality of your idea

  7. I love this SO much. what a fun idea. I cant believe this almosts makes me long for fall when summer JUST started. Cant wait to feature this come october…I may do it sooner because I dont think ill be able to wait haha. Great job.

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  9. so fun! Last week my friend Jacinda called me in a panic because she was doing FN that night and it was a mickey and minnie party and she needed ideas. That pumpkin is so cute! H

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  11. Oh what a fabulous idea! The Minnie and the party! The kids must have had the best time! I’m so glad you’re participating in this group of artists on display! I love seeing your work! Beautiful piece!

  12. Love the darling pumpkins painted by the darling pumpkins! So cute. I love fall and halloween! Thanks for stopping by my blog recently.

  13. What a GREAT idea. I can see doing this for my son and his friends when he’s older. Minnie is super-cute, too – I love the use of the smaller pumpkins for ears.

  14. So adorable!!!! I want a party like that. I think I may start a new tradition around here. That looks like it was so much fun. Way to go. Maybe I’ll just come out there to visit you next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Amy, what creativity! Looks like everyone had a blast! Used to do crafts “in the hood” when the kids were little. Now they’ve all grown to teens who just aren’t into sitting on the lawn and crafting anymore. It was so much fun while it lasted, though. Family Fun magazine was my gospel for kid crafts back then.

    Love the “Minnie Mouse” pumpkin!!!

  16. I am spending the coming weekend with my niece (3) and nephew (7) and I’m always looking for fun things like that to do with them. GREAT idea!! We usually do some baking and decorating, but maybe we’ll paint this time!

    What kind of paint did you use?


  17. we are having a preschool pumpking party…i love your “guess how many” idea! i haven’t decided on the invite though!! everything’s so cute AMY!!!! move back north, please.

  18. My daughter loves Minnie Mouse. She’d flip over that pumpkin! I think that little bat pumpkin is too cute. This looks like a great party!

    Congrats on making the move to your new site. Hope it all went smoothly for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. What a great idea. You have inspired me to let Josiah paint one of his own. I wish you were my neighbor. You all have so much fun!

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