These are free printables you can keep on hand for car trips, restaurants, and just about anything to keep your child entertained. There are a ton of these on the internet, but these are a few of my favorites.

Cathe Holden has an adorable retro I Spy printable.

I love my little mermaid coloring sheet. It’s always a hit at my house.

My son love mazes and word searches like these cute St. Patrick’s Day activity sheets on Fantasy Jr.

Check out these cute Winter Olympics 3-D Mascots and coloring sheets.

I can’t leave out all of the cool Star Wars Clone Wars printables over at

Some more of my favorite sites for kid printables:

Nick Jr. Printables

Family Fun Printables

Kids Learning Station Printable Preschool and Kindergarten Worksheets

Classroom Jr. Printable Worksheets

Kaboose Printables

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  1. Kids will be entertained with this stuffs. It can also help kids to develop learning ability and also they logic because of those word puzzles.

  2. Ahhh.. wonderful! When we have things like scout banquets, I like to provide a basket of things to keep the boys busy doing the “boring” parts. Lately I’ve been using these pads of tic tac toe, hangman, and dots that I found at a dollar store, but I’ll bookmark this page for the future. Heading over now to check out the star wars stuff! Thank you……
    .-= Pam D´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday(at the very last minute)-Call of the Wild =-.

  3. Thanks for sharing your awesome freebies and links!
    .-= Rocio´s last blog …..53 {My Beautiful Bougainvilleas} =-.

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