
Our photo challenge this week at I Heart Faces is “Pets”. This cow is certainly not my pet, but I thought it was pretty funny!

Here is a good tip while photographing cows in New England… watch out for electric fences. Believe me, it’s not fun. You can thank me later! Moo!!!

Join the fun and enter a pet photo on Monday & Tuesday.

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  1. Ooh, the electric fence experience does not sound fun, Amy! But the cow photo is great! I’ll have to show this to my boys later–they will get a huge kick out of this.

  2. Love this pic!!! My in-laws have a ranch in East Texas and I am constantly grossed out – yet impressed – with a cow’s ability to stick their tongue up their nose. HAHAHAHAHA

  3. I have so many stinkin’ cow pics, but I think I’ll refrain from submitting any of them and instead submit one of our precious Charlie!

  4. Ummm, Amy… I think Chick Fil A is calling…they want their cow back! Wait…no, they said they want YOU as their advertising photog! GREAT shot… but I’m a little “shocked” that you went to such great lengths to get it… hope you don’t bear any scars!

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