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  1. Way cute….We just put 3 owl boxes up at home….hoping to attract a few the “live” lovely birds to our home. Maybe I should put a pictures of yours up to entice them =)
    Always loveliness here.
    .-= teresa´s last blog ..Sweet note….. =-.

  2. Thank you for featuring our eco-friendly owl plushies! They’re a hoot!

    Until February 9, adopt a plushie and get a FREE “i love you this much” card! It’s the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your sweetie pie! OR you can pick up any other LOVE card for a whopping 20% off! There are plenty of owl designs, so you can create the perfect match! Check them out here:

    Hereโ€™s to a super lovely, plushy Valentine’s Day!

  3. I love owls too. Have you seen the “Brooke” collection from pottery barn kids. Uhm, LOVE! I actually included it in my last post ๐Ÿ™‚ I need a girl, just so I can have this bedroom in my house!!!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..What’s In A Name? =-.

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