Say hello to my new toy…
I just got my new Canon EOS Rebel T1i yesterday. Yippee!!
I’m finally moving on up from my 5 year old Canon Powershot to my very first SLR camera and super giddy!! I’m so glad I bought a Canon, because I could use my current memory card and automatically knew how to use this bad boy. I’m really surprised by how light it is. It’s actually about the same size as my point and shoot. I’ll give my review next week. So far, I’m loving it and amazed at how nice my photos turn out with VERY little effort. I was working waaaaay too hard with my other camera:-) I’ll be ready for manual mode in no time!
I bought this camera from B&H Photo (their button is in my sidebar). I want to give them a shout out because I was VERY impressed with their prices, free shipping and customer service. Once you make your order online, for your safety, they will call to confirm it was you who actually made the order. They are having a big rebate for this camera and a printer together right now. I think you can get up to $400 back!
Busy Busy
I’m busy working, playing with my camera and working on my daughter’s mermaid party. The party is this Saturday and I hardly have anything finished! Yikes…. panic!! So no award winning post today. If you want a sneak peak at the Mermaid invitations, head over to my Facebook page and click on the photo album. They are super cute!! -Amy
P.S. – Did I tell you my 20 year high school reunion is next weekend!! We only had about 90 kids in our class, so probably only about 20 people will show. Hard to believe we are that old. Ugh! We never had a 10 year reunion, so will be the first time I’ve seen everyone in many years. Did you go to your reunion? If so, how was it??
Just for kicks: Here is a funny video of a girl who hired a stripper to go as her to a reunion. This cracked me up.
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Oooh. Fun. SLRs are the BEST.
Congrats on your new baby!!
Ooooh, a little jealous. Enjoy your new toy. Take it to the reunion. I had my 20th last summer. My husband and I were in the same school and graduating class. We were amazed that most people looked pretty good, not too old or fat. But a select few were hard to recognize. We had a great time though. Enjoy it!
Oh Happy Day…you lucky Duck-
Congratulations on the new camera! Can’t wait to see some pics.
I went to my 10-yr last summer, and it was kind of like a time warp…all these people you haven’t seen in a loooong time who look kind of like themselves but are older, balder, fatter, etc. I used to be much more outgoing in high school, too, so it was slightly awkward to feel so shy.
LOVE your new camera! Great pick for sure.
Hope you have fun at your reunion! We had our 10 year last year. I had 25 kids in my class and about 15 showed up. We had a blast!
Hello, new toy… I know you’ve met Amy. You’ll be so glad she is yours, now. She’s gonna really make YOU look good! We won’t tell anyone your little secret, will we? It’s her talent, NOT your power, that makes those shots so wonderful.
Congrats, Amy… doin’ the happy dance over here for you! I know just how you feel and it doesn’t really wear off! Have a blast…..
EXACTLY what I want 🙂
welcome to the SLR world, girl! you have a new love and it will last a long time! i love my 50D…enjoy! and grab some fab shots at the reunion!!!
There is no way you can be that old! You just look so much younger! My 10 yr reunion is coming up next month.
Okay, a couple of things…I find it hard to believe you only had a point and shoot before this. Your pictures have always been so beautiful – thus further evidence that it is not the camera that takes good photos but rather the person behind the camera!
Number 2- so, if your reunion is next week, does that mean you’ll be in the great state of Oklahoma next week. If so, and if you have time, we should get together for lunch : )
Congrats, Amy!! I have heard great things about that camera, and I cannot WAIT to see the shots you get with that puppy!
I also love B&H, their customer service is outstanding, and I’ve yet to find anyone as nice as they are.
I have the same camera and I absolutely LOVE IT!!! So much that I got one of my blogger friends to buy it too!! I have had mine since April and I have taken so many pictures with it. I too upgraded from a Canon Powershot. I used Nikon when I shot film but my powershot did me so good that when I decided to go SLR I knew I had to get a Canon!!!!!!! I would love to hear more about how you use this camera and any tips and tricks that you have learned about it.