My boy is about to loose his first tooth. My boy is about to go to Kindergarten. Boy, oh boy!

I had fun playing with The Pioneer Woman’s Photoshop Actions. Go get them… they are awesome and they are free. This was way back when my boy was only two. Sweet.

Update: Now Ree has a 2nd set of Actions! Be sure to get both.

Soft & Faded Action

PW’s B&W

Lovely Action

One of my favorite creative mom photography gurus challenged her blog readers to take photos of themselves with their children. You may think you look fat, have bad hair or too many wrinkles now, but in 10 years you’ll look back and wish you looked that way again! So if you have kids, grab the camera and set your timer or have someone take it. If you have long arms, take it yourself! Here are a few I took of us together a long long time ago.

I don’t get fancy very often, but when I do actually curl the hair and put on make-up, I like to grab a kid for a quick photo. You’ll thank yourself later when it’s one of the ONLY shots of you and your child. ha!

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  1. Just found this post. You are stunning – don’t ever feel funny about photographing yourself. Take a bunch. You will be thrilled 20 years from now that you did. Makes me almost want to snap a pic of myself with my kids…..almost being the operative word here.

  2. Oh Donna! But you are pretty and you have a pretty family also!!
    Amy is a beautiful woman. And I think she is as pretty on the inside as outside…like you! That’s what makes a beautiful woman!

    and those are my thoughts on beauty! 🙂

  3. Such beautiful pictures!!!

    You are just stunning! If I looked like you I would be taking pictures of myself all the time :o) LOL

  4. Hi Amy:

    I am coming to you here from Ree’s blog. It always catches my eye when I see “Texas” connected to someone’s name – like kindred spirits! 🙂 and always enjoy your comments on her site.
    You look like you could be related to Ree; you remind me of Wetsy with blonde hair! 🙂
    You have precious children. And your son has the most gorgeous eyelashes! Oh such innocence; that’s when you hate to see them grow up. Mine are grown; 37, 32, and 29.
    I will enjoy reading your blog; have a great day.

    Ruth Ann (in East Texas) 🙂

  5. Good idea. Seems that when I look back at pictures, I wonder if my grandkids will wonder what I looked like since I’m always the one taking the pictures and rarely in them. HA!

  6. I love what you did with your pics. I was just talking about you today. I want the student staff to go to an alley or something and have you take some pics for the web page. They need that edge. Ha Ha.
    What a sweet face in the pic.

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