Monsters University Ms. Squibbles Halloween Costume - Free Printable Mask by #halloween

Happy Halloween!!!

I had a lot of fun with my Ms. Squibbles, costume last night at my son’s Cub Scout Halloween meeting.

Don’t recognize my costume? Well, I’m Ms. Sheri Squibbles who is Scott “Squishy” Squibbles’ mother from the movie Monsters University. I love the part of the movie where she interrupts the fraternity initiation in the basement by doing laundry!

If you want to embarrass your kids just like Ms. Squibbles does in Monsters University, head to a Goodwill Store to find a floral house coat, roll up your hair, grab some slippers and print my free printable mask!

Monsters University Ms. Squibbles Halloween Costume - Free Printable Mask by #halloween #monstersu

Even though my children were avoiding me like the plague at the beginning of the night, they thought I was pretty darn cool after I won Most Original Costume! Take that kids!!!

Monsters University Ms. Squibbles Halloween Costume - Free Printable Mask by #halloween

Then I came home and the Red Sox won the World Series! It was a great night of WINNING.

I never got my original Halloween costume finished, but I’m happy with my last minute Ms. Squibbles costume. I’ll save my other idea for next year. Hopefully it won’t be too embarrassing for some of the fuddy-duddies in my family! Someday they will appreciate mom’s creativity right?

Ms. Squibbles Free Printable Mask

Warning… I could barely see a thing as the eye holes are pretty small. Feel free to make them bigger! I found a paper cone party hat and used the string from it for my mask. A perfect last minute Halloween Costume!

Download the Ms. Squibbles Mask here.

For personal use only.


Do you dress up for Halloween? What is your costume this year?


Love Monsters University like me? Come back soon for another fun  that includes the stuffed toys you see above and check out my Monsters University Free Birthday Party Printables.

Monsters University Birthday Party with Free Party Printables!


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