4th of July - Oklahoma - Living Locurto

Most every year, we visit my family in Oklahoma during the 4th of July. I grew up in a small town and now that I’m in Dallas, it’s always fun to go back to the country for a little while. Especially to light fireworks!

This year, we were home in time to see the annual Osage gathering for In-Lon-Schka.

I’n-Lon-Schka, which has been translated to mean “Playground of the Eldest Son,” originated in the 1880s — shortly after the Osage moved to their current reservation in what became Osage County.  (source Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise.)

It’s an amazing site to see the Osages come together dressed in their beautiful outfits. I’ve grown up watching these dances, but it’s always awe-inspiring no matter how many times you see it. Photos are not allowed, but you can visit the Osage Tribe website for photos of this year’s event.

4th of July | Oklahoma | Living Locurto

Another one of my very favorite things to do when I’m in my home town is to shop for antiques and vintage junk that I can use for photo props or to fix up for my home.

A stop in my Mom’s antique booth is always a must. If you’re ever driving through northern Oklahoma, you must stop at the Sister’s Attic on Main Street in Pawhuska. It’s full of goodies. Mom’s booth is on the right, across from the cash register counter, when you walk through the door.

We also always visit Woolaroc to enjoy the beautiful scenery, museum and petting zoo. This year they had the cutest fawn and baby chickens!

Speaking of chickens…

Chickens | Oklahoma | Living Locurto

It’s always a good time visiting my aunt Tricia and her chickens! I don’t know how much they liked the fireworks, but they didn’t seem to mind us too much as long as we were feeding them. I came home with a lot of fresh eggs and yummy vegetables from my Uncle’s garden.

I practiced my fireworks photography with my new 24-70mm Tamron Lens! Love that full moon in the background.

4th of July Fireworks | Living Locurto | Tamron Lens

We also visited my rancher friends where we saw the “real” fireworks!

Small town potluck food and steak grilled to perfection is to die for! Seriously, amazing. I purposely sat far away from anyone while I was eating, to enjoy every bite. ha! Well, there was also a TV film crew roaming around. So eating from a distance was a good thing in that case. I guess I have a phobia of being caught on camera eating… that and my double chin. It’s not pretty:-)

4th of July in Oklahoma | The Pioneer Woman | Living Locurto

I brought marshmallow flag pops and was surprised that they were the first thing gone on the huge dessert table! A perfect easy treat for the kids that they could grab as the walked by the table and out to light more fireworks.

It was such a fun time to see my childhood friends and sweet new friends.

4th of July in Oklahoma | Living Locurto

My daughter was all about her doggie friend. She loves dogs, especially this fellow who she reads about. Don’t you love how relaxed he is with a house full of people? Charlie had all of the little girls wrapped around his paw.

Charlie the Ranch Dog | The Pioneer Woman | Living Locurto

Later that night, I got more practice with my new lens! Words can’t describe how loud and fun these fireworks are to watch! Read more about this fabulous night on Ree’s blog.

4th of July | Fireworks | Living Locurto


When it was time to head back to Texas, we stopped to visit my good friend Tina and her puppies! Aren’t they adorable?

Cute dogs | Living Locurto | Mini Yorkshire Terrier

I’m so proud of Tina who hosts amazing wine tasting events in her super nice new store. If you live in the Tulsa area, check out her wine tasting events and gorgeous party room. If I lived there, we would make a great team!

Driving to Oklahoma was a fantastic road trip. But after visiting all of these dogs, I know I won’t hear the end of it from my daughter. I told her when she is eight years old, we could get a dog. She keeps asking me when she’ll be eight. Oh boy!

At least she isn’t asking for a chicken… yet.

I hope you had a fantastic holiday too!

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  1. Aww, looks like y’all had a great time! If you ever get the chance you might want to take your little girlie out here to the panhandle and visit Forgan. It’s where Hank the Cowdog is from…. :). You may also want to stop in and throw some CowChips here in Beaver, we are the CowChip throwing capital of the world! Bring some friends and I can show you around!

  2. I was just getting caught up in my feed reader and scrolling very quickly through all my crafty blog posts. I wasn’t even looking at which blog I was reading – just scanning pictures. Then I saw the first picture in your post and thought to myself “That HAS to be Amy Locurto’s daughter”. And I was right! Stinking adorable, that girl is! ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxo

  3. As soon as I saw Charlie, I knew you must be visiting the Drummonds. I love Ree’s blog and her humour. I know you all must have had the best time!

  4. Looks like lots of fun!! I am curious- what breed are Tina’s puppies? I had a puppy that was really similar but we got her for free and never knew what breed she was!! Hope you have a great rest of the summer!

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