joplin Missouri tornado

Photo by davedehetre via Flickr.

Today, I am taking a break from posting my usual fun creative ideas. I just can’t stop thinking about the storm that hit Missouri. I grew up close to this area and so saddened by the devastation and loss. I’ve been in several tornadoes before, but nothing like what is going on lately with these monster storms.  It’s really unbelievable when you see the footage on the news. I want to do whatever I can on my blog to help.

joplin tornado

Photo by Mike Gullett – AP

A reader Lori from Joplin said:

“My family is all safe, but many of our friends are badly hurt. Some are homeless. It really is awful. It is very frustrating to not be able to help but they are asking people to stay out of the way and let the S&R and emergency folks do their work. Tomorrow my son and I are headed to a sit with a friend who is shell-shocked, and then to a shelter to see what we can do…it may not be much but it’s something!”

joplin tornado academy Sports

Photo by Macahanc6r via Flickr.

As we brace for more storms here in Texas. My prayers go out to the people of Joplin.

How to Help Tornado Victims in Joplin

  • The Joplin United Way is a great place to start. 100% of donations will go directly to Joplin United Way, with ZERO overhead. Follow this link to donate via PayPal, call 573-443-4523 or text “Joplin” to 864833.
  • The American Red Cross has a page for Missouri tornado and flood relief.
  • The Joplin, MO Tornado Recovery Facebook page is dedicated to aid efforts and contains the latest, up-to-date information on news and how to help.

If you are from the area or if you know of anyone there, have stories, etc… please comment here and so we can keep you as well as your friends and family in our prayers. Forward this to your friends who might want to help as well.

Thank you! -Amy

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  1. Amy, thanks for moving with compassion and providing such great resources. I posted a link to your post on my blog. Thanks again for showing us how we can help!

  2. We live just blocks from St. John’s Hospital but were blessed enough to have our home, the only losses we suffered were electricity, water and gas but we are alive! We just today have gotten our electricity back and water too!! We will now be going out to help others who have lost so much more. Please remember our community months from now when the news has quit coming around. My daughter is a student at the high school and we are uncertain of where she will be going the next school year, although this does not seem like such a big deal compared to others she feels the loss of normality as she never had a chance for closure of her school year which is her world. Any kind of loss is huge for these young people. Thank you to all who are praying and donating time, or money.

  3. I feel hurt when I heard about that damage in Joplin Tornado.Thanks for sharing how we can help!Poor them:(:(:(

  4. I sell for Jordan Essentials, and the woman I signed up under lives in Joplin. Or lived. Her house was destroyed. Our company is based in MO, in Nixa, and was unharmed. Within hours of the storm, the President and owner of the company Nancy Bogart had posted on her personal facebook page her pledge to do everything she could personally, and with the company to help out that woman, and anyone else she could help as well. My heart goes out to those who are in so much need right now! Bless your heart for calling attention to this!

  5. As much as how gorgeous the 1st photo is, I can’t deny the devastation in the photos that followed. Thanks for sharing how we can help!

  6. My husband and I were with my children at my in-laws 6 blocks from St. John’s. My grandparents are among the survivors who lost their entire home! Praise God! I blogged about this today. But I do ask that people continue to pray for the devastation of our town. It is surreal. I have lived here my entire life and there are parts I do not recognize. Thank you for your post.

  7. My good friend grew up in Joplin and most of her family still lives there. Somehow her families homes (right in the middle of the storm) only suffered minor damage. But all around them are houses that are completely destroyed. Many of her friends have lost their homes and all of their belongings. My sister (who lives in Springfield) has friends and former co-workers that live there and she still hasn’t spoken to all of them to know if they are okay. A very scary time and everyone in Joplin and the surrounding areas (volunteers, emergency workers, victims, etc) need our help, support and prayers. Thank you for your post, Amy, and keeping this in the forefront of everyones minds.

  8. All my inlaws, neices and nephews live in Joplin. My mother in law and father in law live just one mile south of the St. John’s hospital that was destroyed. By the grace of God my family is all safe and accounted for…but some dear friends of theirs lost their lives and many more lost their homes and all their earthly belongings. An elderly couple was brought by the police to my mother and father in laws home after the storm with a broken ankle and many deep lacerations. This elderly couple lost everything but are grateful to be alive when their house was destroyed and their neighbors were killed. Tragedies like this make me reevaluate what’s really important in life and shows how quickly life on earth can be over.

    We already had a trip planned to be in Joplin this upcoming weekend for the holiday and now will be going with lots of donations to help some families at my inlaws church.

  9. Thank you for doing what you can to help. My husband and I went to college in Joplin and his sister was in the Walmart on 15th that was destroyed. She and her 3 children are safe though her back is probably hurt but so many in that store did not make it we are all just so thankful they did. I know two other families with small children who lost their homes. It is beyond words and we just continue to pray and to make donations of $ and items as we can.

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