Halloween Cat by you.

Today, my cat Mr. Rocky Balboa will be taking you on Halloween tour of my haunted house. He’s wearing his Halloween cape just for you. Black cats love Halloween you know!

Come on in, Rocky is waiting…


Rocky will perform his black cat magic to transform this room into something spooktacular…

Halloween Home Decorating Ideas

Ta Da!!

Halloween Home Decorating Ideas | Living Locurto

So much for my Halloween cat, I think the rat on the table scared him away!Halloween Home Decorating Ideas | Living Locurto

Meet my Great Great Grandfather Col. Mustard.

The kid’s eye ball collection. If it gets any larger, we’ll have to get a new jar.

Halloween Home Decorating Ideas | Living Locurto

Want to stay for dinner? Help yourself to the boo-fett.

Halloween Party Recipes | Home Decorating Ideas | Living Locurto

Thanks for taking my spooky home tour!

Want to see more of my house? Check out these posts:

Front Porch

Dinning & Living Rooms

Home Office & Garden

Kid’s Rooms

Kid’s Playroom (scroll down to see it)

Media Room


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If so, thanks for stopping by!

I hope to inspire creativity with my blog. I like to showcase arts and crafts, recipes and party ideas. I also provide FREE downloads of my original art. Life to me is about family, creativity and having fun!

Want to see what fun I’ve been having lately? Read about my pumpkin party!

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  1. I just had to tell you how awesome your dining room is! Very cute… in a spooky kind of way! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Great decorating pics. As I was looking at the pictures, the architecture style looked so familiar…the front door and chair rail….then I saw that you are in the Dallas area. I used to live in Allen….I miss it so much. Texas is the best!!!

  3. Hi Amy,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your sweet comments. I have to say, your diningroom is absolutely gorgeous and beautifully and spookily (if that is a word) decked out for halloween. Just a lovely job you have done with it…very magazine worthy I think. Nice to meet you.


  4. I hope Rocky doesn’t let all this fame go to his head. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You know I love your house. I wish you’d come over to my place and work some Halloween magic on it! Thanks for joining the blog party, Amy!

  5. This is A GREAT post even the second time around… and I really would like to steal your cat… he is PRECIOUS! I have my post for your Halloween party all ready to go for Saturday! YEA!

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