Wind - I Heart Faces Photography Challenge ©

You begged to ride the swings. Swings are your favorite. I thought you would be smiling as you were whisked away with the wind blowing through your hair.  Instead you are so serious. You ignore me as I wave and take photos. That’s okay because I love to watch you either way. Maybe when you are older, you can tell me what you were thinking. My guess is it had something to do with wanting pink cotton candy and riding the swings again!

“Wind” is our photo challenge theme this week at I Heart Faces.

We would love for you to add a wind photo to our challenge! Enter on Sunday & Monday.

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  1. Awww, I love this real moment. And I have a serious one, too. Sometimes it’s not what you expect, at the moments you expect. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love your description of this photo. She makes me wonder what she’s thinking! What a beautiful little girl.

  3. A beautiful picture. I love how colorful it is and her expression. I usually have that same face on rides wondering if it’s strong enough to hold me! ๐Ÿ™‚

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