? Faces “Pets Only” Photo Challenge

This week is all about the animals! I  had to use my only pet model, Rocky Balboa. He was loving the attention. The puppy next to him was a prop my daughter thought he needed next to him:-) She put a bow on his head, but it fell off.



* I’m one of the Co-Founders of I ? Faces and doing this just for fun, no winning for me.*

Come on over to I ? Faces and share a photo with us! Enter Monday & Tuesday.

We also have a fun photo contest coming up where you can win a Tamron Lens! Don’t miss out on the fun, check it out!

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  1. Cute! I love that he’s sitting next to a stuffed puppy! 😉
    .-= Michelle Pixie´s last blog ..Not Me =-.

  2. Your kitty is so very pretty! I’ve always wanted a long haired cat. And his name is so funny. Cute story about the puppy 🙂

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