
? Faces  –  My Story in Photos  –  Theme “Thankfulness” 

This week, we have no judge, just a week for fun to tell a story and a much needed time off for Angie and me! And believe me, we need it!! We are getting ready for our first ever Photography Workshop. Yay! I can’t wait to meet everyone who will be attending!! We even have an I ? Faces fan coming all the way from Germany. WOW! 

Because I’ve been frantically getting ready for the workshop, my post is short and sweet today. I’m thankful for a lot of things, God, my husband, healthy children, family, a job I love… but here are a few I could show with my photos. 













What are you thankful for? Come on over to I ? Faces and share your story with us! Enter Monday & Tuesday.

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  1. Love the photos! REALLY love the Eskimo Joe’s tee!! 😉
    Do you guys live nearby??

  2. Love how the photos show that the simple things in life are the best things to be thankful for 🙂

    Looking forward to meeting you this week! Can’t wait for the workshop.

  3. Aww.. I love the way you did the captions! I ended up with over 1500 words in my post. I wasn’t going to do it, but how can I not be thankful? It made me do the kind of post I’ve needed to do for a while, so thank you; I’m thankful for you and Angie! Have a ton of fun at the workshop; I am so jealous…
    .-= Pam D´s last blog ..I Heart Faces-Thankful for the “Other Woman” =-.

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