This week at I Heart Faces, we are dedicating the theme to mothers. I originally wanted to post a shot of my grandma, but it was on my laptop which might be dead because my cat knocked a vase of water on it! I’m praying it will dry out in a day or so and turn back on. I had a lot of special photos and work on that computer. While I’m waiting (not so patiently), I found this photo of my friend Tina and her little boy and thought it captured a sweet moment between a mom and child.
I’m one of the co-founders of I Heart Faces and just entering for fun.
I hope you’ll enter a photo this week!
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gorgeous! love the light and the love
Great photo. Also if you haven’t done it yet, buy a bunch of rice. Put it in a rubbermaid bin and submerge the laptop in the rice. Open in a few days. It should have absorbed the wetness and hopefully will be good as new. Worked for a friend of mine.
What a sweet shot!! And I really hope your laptop starts working again once it dries out!
.-= Cheryle´s last blog ..i heart faces "Celebrating Mom" Photo Challenge =-.
such a fun shot 🙂
u may view mine here
.-= mizhelle´s last blog ..I ? Faces: Celebrating Mom =-.
This shot really is something. I love the moment captured here. So beautiful and apart of embracing motherhood!
.-= Jennifer Rikkers´s last blog ..I heart Faces: "Celebrating Mom" photo challenge =-.
Gorgeous picture!
.-= Arya´s last blog ..Celebrating Mom – I heart Faces =-.
They both have smiles on their faces! Just as it should be.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..I Heart Faces: Celebrating Mom =-.
a lovely photo! love the sunny glow to it! hope your laptop dries out soon!
.-= Michelle ´s last blog ..celebrating a few more moms…. =-.
That’s a very sweet moment! I love the softness of this picture!
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Bad Pregnancy Dreams {Guest Post} =-.
Oh gosh. I hope your laptop dries out!!
This picture is just beautiful.
Gorgeous! And I hope your laptop makes it!!! *Fingers Crossed*
.-= Shelle @ Mommy Can’t Sing´s last blog ..I Heart Faces- Celebrating Mom =-.
Beautiful!! 🙂
.-= Becca´s last blog ..Celebrating Mom =-.
Awesome capture! Pictures like these make me want a day with a pro so I can be in front of instead of behind the camera… Live the processing. I’m wincing over tour computer loss having just suffered one of my own.
What a sweet “every mom”* moment… captured so well!
(*Every mom has a similar moment, except that not all of those have been captured for posterity.)
.-= Buckeroomama´s last blog ..iheartfaces – Week # 19 : Celebrating Mothers =-.
I’m thinkin’ that your cat just used up MORE than one of his nine lives. Yikes. Bet you aren’t in the mood to schedule any pet contests in the near future! But to just pull a pic off of your computer that is this great just makes me go “wow”… that is seriously sweet!
.-= Pam D´s last blog ..Cherokee Rose =-.