“Beach Fun” is the photo challenge theme this week at I Heart Faces. On our cruise we stopped in Jamaica and my daughter begged to be buried in the sand. What a perfect beach fun photo for this week!

I’m one of the co-founders of I Heart Faces and just entering for fun. I hope you’ll enter a photo this Monday and Tuesday.

NEWS: We just announced the date of our 2nd Annual I Heart Face Photography Workshop in Dallas. It will be the first weekend of November. Be sure to subscribe to our updates so you won’t miss out. We’ll open registration to a limited number of people only starting in September. It’s going to be wonderful!!

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  1. Pingback: 70s Disco Outfit |
  2. Recently we rented a house at the beach and they had a sheet warning of the danger of burying someone in the sand. It is very dangerous. Hopefully in this picture only the top of the body was buried.” I’m just saying”

  3. Oh, wow –how awesome!! My kids would so love to be buried in the sand, but so far, I’ve only “buried” their legs and feet while they’re sitting down. We’ll have to try the full-body one next time!

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