I was all ready to show you my son’s birthday party today when I came across these photos on my computer.

When my son was a baby, I began drawing on the walls of our media room with pencil. After a few days, my sketches were done. I knew the only way I would finish the project that I imagined in my head, was to mark up the walls. In doing this, I would be forced to paint over them or be stuck with pencil marks on my white walls.

[pullquote]I’m sad that soon my kids will probably want black walls, pleather chairs and a 3-D TV.[/pullquote]

I remember being super busy that year with work, plus I was a new mom with a baby at my side day and night who wouldn’t sleep. But I still made time to paint a little each day. Eventually the room was finished and beautiful. I couldn’t stop looking at it.

Looking back, I’m very happy I took my pencil and started drawing, not waiting until I had the time or consulted with a “real” mural painter. If I had waited, there would still be white walls.

In reading this, I hope you’re inspired to start something you have imagined for yourself. Whether it be a project, blog, new business or hobby… begin now and eventually it will be what you imagined.

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**I’m entering this into TidyMom’s I’m Loving It Party. I LOVE her Blissdom Conference Re-Cap!

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  1. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Your room turned out beautifully! I especially love the “sign” for hanging the kids artwork. I’m so stealing that idea ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. thanks for sharing! Wish I had the patience to do this! I always have to call on my neighbor for the big painting/design projects!! Lucky me to have her!

  3. Wow! I thought I did something when I painted and revived an old bookshelf for my son. Pssh!
    You did a fantastic job! So talented! Thanks for the inspiration and encouraging words!

  4. So, so cute! Great words of wisdom….thanks for the encouragement.
    I won’t be drawing on the walls…but perhaps I need to finish a few other projects that have been put off for a while.
    P.S. love that room =)

  5. Thank you Amy for the inspiring motivation!!! I love the mural!! I am currently in the begining stages of a similiar one for my daughters room. Like you, I painted big green hills, but I chose chalkboard paint for the hills as well as brown for a house, and tree trunk. It is coming along slowly, and even if it’s only 5 minutes, I work on it daily. I have found it to be so theraputic after a long day, I think there will be a part of me thats sad when it’s all done.

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