The Locurto’s are always up for a good party! We’re excited to be joining the many Holiday parties in blog land!

It’s not a good party without food. So, we decided to make easy no bake cookie cottages for the party, compliments of Martha Stewart. Aren’t these adorable? My husband did most of the work. He just loves a good party!!

My real life friend Belinda makes gingerbread houses from scratch. Her kids decorate and eat this the entire month of December. I think they are fabulous and would be wonderful for the party!

This covers their entire dinning room table. What a cute little village! Don’t you just want to bite the head off that gingerbread man? Or…maybe that’s just me:-)

A few years ago they even had a swimming pool made of candy!

Want to create something like this? Get some great ideas on this site.

We decided to make a non-edible house this year. My husband made this with my kids. I’ve never seen so much glitter on the floor!

If you notice, there are only three gingerbread people. According to my husband, I’m in the house on the computer. LOL!! (he didn’t think it was as funny as I did.)

Come inside and take a tour…

My feather wreath is my favorite Christmas decoration.

I love Santa stuff.

My mom gave me her cute reindeer plate collection! These were some of my grandma’s ornaments.

This plate cracks me up!

I hope you like our Christmas tree this year. It’s full of kid ornaments, family photos and Santas. Notice no presents under the tree. My kids would open them in 2 seconds!!

We are That Family is having a share your tree party! So we’re showing off our tree for all to see.

Thanks for coming! It was fun. Now I need to workout from eating all those cookie houses!!

More Living Locurto Holiday Posts:

Christmas Family Tradition

Works for me Gift Ideas

Giving is Great

Christmas Vacations

Free Downloads:

Printable Christmas Tags

Homemade Christmas CD

Holiday Wish Lists

Holiday House Parties:

Make sure to visit Hooked on Houses for over 100 home tours!

Kimba is having a Holiday party starting Tuesday.

Rhonda @ Southern Hospitality is hosting another great party. Her house is stunning:-)

Boo Mama is also hosting a Holiday Tour of Homes with over 600 homes!!

Tip Junkie has a Virtual Tour of Homes – Holiday Addition

FYI… If you’re new here and wondering what was wrong with my family’s heads and why my husband is so short, here’s the original Martha pic. ha!!

Share the fun!

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  1. I found this web site quite by accident. My husband’s family name is LoCurto also. We live in Buffalo NY. I don’t know if there is any relation. I wanted to say that the website is wonderful!

  2. Love your home, your decorations, the gingerbread houses….ALL of it!

    I also tagged you, if you have time…see my blog for the tag!

    Merry Christmas!


    Tidymomโ€™s last blog post..Tag! I’m it!

  3. Girl! You are too funny! Your home is lovely! I adore the candy houses and we’re taking a stab at one next week! Your tree and all your decor is so festive. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. The photo of “your family” is priceless! You did a good job of blending to make it look almost real. LOL. Love the gingerbread houses too. I asked my son and this year he’s decided he no longer wants to make one….oh well, I guess when your 15th birthday is approaching at the end of this month, there will be changes in traditions that go along with getting to be one year older.

    Your tree looks lovely! Ours is up and I’ll have to post a pic of it soon!

    Dot Oโ€™s last blog post..Back Amongst the Living

  5. Hi, Amy, thanks for joining my tour too! Your house looks great, pretty tree and all your Martha touches are so festive, LOL. It’s very nice to meet you. I’ve seen you around Blissfully Domestic (I’m over there as a contributor), but don’t think I’ve been by your blog before. I’m going to Blissdom in Nashville, so maybe we’ll meet up there. I just joined Twitter too, so I’ll look you up on there.

    Have a wonderful Christmas! Rhoda without the N!

    Rhodaโ€™s last blog post..Foyer Christmas Magic

  6. I always let my kids make gingerbread houses every year…either at school OR at their grandparent’s home. HA! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I am still cracking up over your hubby’s comment. I guess we (meaning you and I…not him) must have the same sense of humor!

    The Arthur Clanโ€™s last blog post..A Christmas Lantern Tour.

  7. The picture at the top of the post cracked me up. Too funny! I loved this post. We’ve never attempted gingerbread houses, but these are so cute that we might have to! I know my daughter would really get into that kind of project.

    Your tree is beautiful! I like how you have framed photos of the kids on it.

    Thanks for joining my blog party!! -Julia ๐Ÿ™‚

    Julia @ Hooked on Housesโ€™s last blog post..Hooked on Holiday House Tours: Let the Party Begin!

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