(Art by the Locurto kids)

I’m thankful for all of you who read my gibberish and even like some of the crafty things I do:-) I’ve received some wonderful emails from many of you and I couldn’t be more thankful for YOU, my new bloggy friends. Thanks for the prayers for my husband’s knee. He is doing much better. Still in bed, but not as much in agony as before. Because we can’t travel, my mom is coming to visit and I’ll be cooking a nice home-made dinner for us. I’m looking forward to having some time to relax and maybe do some crafting. I’ll see you back here on Monday!

Try this with your leftover turkey you won’t be sorry.


Have a great holiday!


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  1. omg, that chicken casserole dish.. i have been dying to make it again since that first time I found it on your website… I even bought all the ingredients, I just need to find the time! (oh, it’s making me so hungry as i type!) =)

  2. I just found your blog, and I LOVE it!!! So tempted to sit here all day and read through it, but brain is saying, “must have turkey, must have turkey!” ๐Ÿ™‚

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