I Heart Faces Photo Challenge - Happiness

This month at I Heart Faces, the photo challenge is “Happiness”.

I took this photo with my iPhone on a roller coaster during spring break. I got lucky because… A) I didn’t drop my phone. B) I captured my little dare devil’s happy expression perfectly. C) I even got myself in the photo and there was no double chin!

Each time I look at this photo, it makes me happy as I remember my daughter’s sweet giggles.

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge - Win a Canon Rebel T3Did you know we switched to monthly photo challenges and anyone who submits a photo is eligible to win prizes? Fun!

The first place winner will receive $100 cash and anyone who submits a photo gets a chance to win a $499 Canon Rebel T3 and lens kit!

The “happiness” Photo Challenge will be open this week only at I Heart Faces.

I hope you’ll join us by submitting a photo for a chance to win a new DSLR camera!

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge & Photography Tutorials

If you’re new here, I Heart Faces is my other blog. It’s a fun photography website with photo challenges, photography tips and tutorials for all levels of photographers and moms with cameras. We have a fun community. If you’re interested in photography and want to learn more about taking great photos, please come and join us!

Share the fun!

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  1. Beautiful photo! Love your site! I followed your link from I heart faces. I use my iPhone frequently too instagram is my new best friend

  2. just signed up for your site and couldn’t get your freebie to print are you having issues with the system all my other stuff prints great

  3. Okay, I answered my own questionsby following your links. Sorry, I should’ve looked there first. Thanks for posting all the info on the site. I will get cracking on my pictures nd enter one!

    Thanks again,

  4. I am glad you told us newbies about this, photography is a passion and hobby of mine and I would love to learn more and have the chance to win the camera. My question is this, can “happiness” be anything we want (a flower, a rainbow, etc. . .) or is it to be of a person, like in your lovely photo? Please let me know. Also, do I submit my photo?


    P.s, looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with, so fun!

  5. I love this image.. It almost reminds me of a Holga image. Its awesome to caputre the special times with your kids!

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