I love creative print pieces so much, that I’m a bit of a business card collector. Well, I collect the really good ones and stash them away for design inspiration.
Today, I’m featuring some of my favorite cards I received at the Blissdom blog conference. If you are attending any type of event to promote yourself at a large event such as this, think about doing something different. These cards will give you some great ideas!
Of course my own were one of my faves!! I actually designed four circle cards, one for each of my blogs, one for my partner Angie’s photography business and one to thank our sponsors. I then spent hours tying them together with ribbon (it wasn’t too bad since I did it while watching Lost). My friends at Ussery Printing printed these for me. They have a nice digital press that is very affordable.
This card by The DIY Dish is so great! Kim and Kris are twins and after seeing this card and them together…. I definitely wanted to visit their web site. They seriously wowed me with their branding!
You don’t have to be a graphic designer to wow people. Tip Junkie made bookmarks from shrinky dinks! The label on the bag says “I hope you’ll “bookmark” www.tipjunkie.com and be inspired everyday.” • Mabel’s Labels attached their product to a post card with a photo of Caitlin “your Mabel’s BBF (blogger best friend). When you are at huge events, having a photo really helps you remember who was who. The larger format keeps you from loosing it and helps it stand out. Great idea!
And speaking of photos, I absolutely loved J.J.’s card! You can tell I had it in my pocket the night we met Harry Connick Jr. and danced. ha! This was such a cute and memorable card that I couldn’t throw it away. It fit her personality to a tee! The back had a questionnaire: We met at… We Talked About… Great job J.J.! I’m hoping to see this as her new blog header soon.
Next week I will fill you in on the workshop I spoke at during Blissdom. I’ve got some tips to help you with your own branding and design for your blog. Standing out from the crowd is a good thing!
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My business cards where a huge disappointment, but Staples made it right. I really like my old cards better. Live and learn.
I’ve really enjoyed looking at, admiring and comparing (in a good way) everyone’s business cards. There are some really creative women out there. Such an honor to meet them.
Great examples. Just saw one recently for a lawyer that featured an x-ray of a broken arm. Brilliant.
RT @mobrownsuga: LOVE @livinglocurto! She's talking business cards from #blissdom http://bit.ly/bzTRin
I left a reply on the blog about your son’s first birthday party……I love the barn and would love to know more details on how you built it. Sorry if you have read that comment already….just trying to get the information anyway possible. I love it and my son’s party is this weekend. any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you! I’m dying to get some cards printed, and these were awesome ideas ๐
LOVE THEM ALL! I’m working on mine now— such inspiration!
Great business cards! I always love the circle cards.
.-= Candy @ SoBella Creations´s last blog ..Wednesday’s Reading Corner =-.
Great Business Cards from Blissdom | Living Locurto – Creative …: Select Category, Art & Graphic Design, Amy's P… http://bit.ly/dxior0
Great Business Cards from Blissdom | Living Locurto – Creative … http://bit.ly/dxior0
RT @livinglocurto: Thanks:-) RT @mobrownsuga: LOVE @livinglocurto! She's talking business cards from #blissdom http://bit.ly/bzTRin
What creative ideas! I love them (and I’m gonna find a way to get me some chocolate business cards…!)
Such great business cards! ๐ Those were some of my faves too!
.-= melissa @ the inspired room´s last blog ..Inspired By: Spring Bouquets on Kitchen Counters =-.
RT @livinglocurto: Creative business cards by @TheDIYDish @TipJunkie @mabelhood @BlahBlahBlahger @iHeartFaces http://bit.ly/bwnsyB #blissdom #graphicdesign
THANKS! RT @livinglocurto: Creative cards by @TheDIYDish @TipJunkie @mabelhood @BlahBlahBlahger @iHeartFaces http://bit.ly/bwnsyB #blissdom
RT @livinglocurto: Creative business cards by @TheDIYDish @TipJunkie @mabelhood @BlahBlahBlahger @iHeartFaces http://bit.ly/bwnsyB #bl …
RT @livinglocurto: Creative cards by @TheDIYDish @TipJunkie @mabelhood @BlahBlahBlahger @iHeartFaces http://bit.ly/bwnsyB #blissdom
RT @livinglocurto: Creative business cards by @TheDIYDish @TipJunkie @mabelhood @BlahBlahBlahger @iHeartFaces http://bit.ly/bwnsyB #blissdom #graphicdesign
@Amy, I’m at the office and just snuck over to see what you wrote about and I freaking cracked up!!! Poor ittybittylilangie!
@Kris and Kim,
This is the perfect testimony on why to hire a good graphic designer to help create your brand. You two are you brand and that’s what makes it work! You made a good choice. I love it!!
Wow Amy! THANK YOU so much for your spotlight on our business card! What a thrill it was to come across this today. I agree with you on all the other cards as well. Such clever people out ther- including yourself! We have to tell you, that when we were first getting a logo designed, the graphic designers came back with a rough sketch of this one plus several others. Our immediate reaction to this was a very easy, “No way.” The thought of having our “faces” on there as part of the logo was just a little awkward for us. We almost went completely in a different direction. However, after some thorough talk on branding, we decided that this would definitely be the best way to go. We’re really glad we did now, but it definitely took some convincing in the beginning! We’re so glad that you thought enough of it to share. You’re awesome!
.-= Kris and Kim´s last blog ..How to Make Chic Pillows: theDIYdish on Studio5! =-.
Fabulous designs for your round business cards, Amy! So unique and memorable! LOVE them!
@Angie from The Arthur Clan,
Ha! I couldn’t help myself:-)
You just had to pull out the short card, did ya? LOL! I had no idea you had written that on there. ๐
.-= Angie from The Arthur Clan´s last blog ..~ The Drama of the New Camera ~ =-.
I didn’t get one of JJ’s cards–what a clever idea! Also wish I’d gotten one of Jody’s chocolate ones… ๐
.-= Julia @ Hooked on Houses´s last blog ..Before & After: A Hoarderโs House Gets a Fresh Start =-.
@Amy, oh, I was around. It’s just impossible to meet everyone. I think I met you last year at the airport on the way home!
I had them made by a local company called Over the Top Chocolates. I love them because they charge by the piece with no additional set up fees, etc. http://www.overthetopchocolates.com/
.-= Jody´s last blog ..Why You Should Talk to Strangers When You Travel =-.
Great ideas for your cards. Adore them. I think I love you more and more everytime I find something out about you:) I also have a desire to collect business cards! I have a folder for ideas from them. Love it.
Where were you?? I love chocolate!! What a great idea. Where did you get those made?
I think I am in love with the circle business cards and the tag card the best. Thanks for the inspiration.
.-= Screwed Up Texan´s last blog ..I’m Gonna Chomp It Up =-.
I guess I didn’t get a chance to meet you- my biz cards were chocolate! ๐ Love these other ideas, too. I am trying to think of something clever for my next conference- TBEX for travel bloggers. I am thinking luggage tags…
(to see my biz cards & fun travel journals you can visit my Cozi Journal- just scroll down a tiny bit. http://family.cozi.com/halsted/)
.-= Jody´s last blog ..Why You Should Talk to Strangers When You Travel =-.
.-= Alli´s last blog .. =-.
LOVE these Amy!!! and can’t wait for the next post!! Cathe helped me with my cards, but I haven’t had them printed yet…..now I see some changes I want to make!!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Vote for my recipes to be in Foodista Cookbook =-.