Pinterest Mothers Day Card

Happy Mothers Day to all of you moms out there! I hope you are doing something fun with your family and getting lots of nice gifts. You deserve it!!!

The best part of being a mom to me is the joy that my kids bring. Especially when they are little and say the funniest things!

Earlier this week, my daughter made me laugh really hard, so I asked you on Facebook to tell me some funny things your kids have said lately. For laughs, I have gathered a few of my favorites here today. Enjoy!

Funny things kids say

What funny things have your kids said lately?

FYI- The card is courtesy of  Your e-Cards. Have a great day!!!

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  1. I am a pre-k teacher for 2 and 3 year old and i’ve heard some adorable
    quotes. I asked one little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up.
    She replied, ” A goldfish.” Just then another little boy piped up, ” I wanna
    be a bug.”

  2. Daughter: What was the world like when it was only black and white?
    Me: Why do you think the world used to be only black and white?
    Daughter: Because of all the black and white photos in the house.

    Got to love kid logic.

    Hope you had a happy Mother’s Day.

  3. I told my 3.5 yr old I was exercising so I could get in shape – he asked me what shape I wanted to be…a triangle? A square?


  4. We took our two grandchildren to church with us. After taking the sacrament three year old Colter said, “We have bread and water. Why not chocolate milk”? The family in family of us started laughing.

  5. I’m glad you doing this kids are so funny now can’t think of anything,,,hope lot people write what they say,,I’ll be reading,,

  6. After being in the car for 6+ hours with my 3 kids on a trip to dallas, traffic was bad, raining the entire trip….we were ALL ready to be out of the car, my 7 year old son spoke up and said in a serious tone, Marshall (my 5 yr old) and I can drive you Momma…I can work the pedals and Marshall can ster the steering wheel”. Suddenly I was no longer tired… Sudden bust of enery came over me with the thought of my boys driving… Laughing I pictured them actually doing it. Gotta love their imagination.

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