I’ve been super busy with work, plus my son has the swine flu (yuck!), but wanted to take a moment to write about some fun news going on around here!
I was so excited to find out my morning routine cards were just featured on Unclutterer.com!! Please head over there and check out this awesome site. I’d love if you left a comment too! It’s so ironic that me… the most clutter freak ever would be featured on this site. ha! So I’m super thrilled to be linked from there. I’m sure my husband will be in shock when I tell him.
** I just changed the order of my cards, so now brushing hair is 3rd on the list:-) You can click here to download the new version to help your kids get ready in the morning.
I also just heard from an editor at Reader’s Digest who asked if I would provide some Halloween free downloads for a new slide show they will present. Whoa! They have over a million readers!! How cool is that??? Check back soon and I’ll give you all a preview of something I made for them. It’s so cute!
So now I will go back to reality of nursing my sick child. He is feeling much better and no one else has gotten sick in our house. I’m saying prayers that we all stay well. This flu is going around our schools and neighborhoods here. It’s really not as bad as what the news makes it out to be. My son had no symptoms other than a high fever which was controlled with Motrin. It’s still not fun though:-( Hope you stay well!
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I’m so happy for you Amy! You are soaring!! ๐
Just found your site & LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Keep up the great work!!
Congratulations, Amy!! That’s wonderful that you’re getting so much recognition for your creativity. Very exciting about Reader’s Digest! Woo-hoo! ๐
Hi Amy,
That’s fantastic news!!! Well… not the part about your son, but the rest of it is great!! Congratulations, I’m so happy for you!
I hope your son is feeling better soon.
Congratulations! Hope your boy is doing better soon.
Congratulations! That is so awesome.
Hope your son gets better soon. ๐
Congrats on the wonderful recognition! It is very well deserved, to be sure.
Hope your son gets well soon!
I found your excellent site from the Unclutterer page. Slowly reforming pack rat here. Hope your son’s better soon.
seriously? Swine flu? Oh my! I hope he gets better soon!
Fun News | Living Locurto – Creative Ideas & FREE Downloads http://bit.ly/160Gek
Congratulations!!! How awesome for you!! ๐
I pray that all stay healthy in your home and that your son gets better soon.
Amy! that is so awesome! Congratulations!
Sorry about your poor little man! Hope he makes a swift recovery. CONGRATS on the new opportunities! ๐
Wow! Congratulations! ๐ How very exciting.
I hope your son is feeling better soon. I’m sure he’s ready to go have some fun.
It’s swine flu crazy around here, too. But I hear it’s better to get it now and build up your immunity before the worse strain hits in January/February. Hope your son gets well soon. And congrats on the feature!
Congrats! Hope your son/children are feeling better soon!
Congratulations! ๐
I made our routines inspired by yours, you can see it here: http://dalleuncolinho.blogspot.com/2009/09/rutina-diaria.html
I hope you like it, cheerssss