My mom loves to collect things. Her hobby is the small antique booth she maintains in Oklahoma. She saved pretty much everything from my childhood! I’m always surprised with something neat when she comes to visit. So for many of my Friday Features, I’ll share with you something from my 70’s and 80’s collection. I’ve got some great things! And now, I can’t bear to part with them either. Thanks Mom.

This last weekend, she brought my children’s record collection. The last time she visited, she brought my 80’s record player that I saved for practically a year to buy! ha. It’s a piece of technology that my husband can actually use. I have often come home to find him and the kids listening to Barry Manilow (his favorite!) or Hall and Oats (gotta luv Private Eyes– they see your every move!)

Check out these great covers. I need to frame them. A few records were warped, but most are in mint condition. They have brought back some happy memories.

My son has really enjoyed listening to the books and stories.

He thinks it’s cool I was into Super Heros too. Wonder Woman was the best! Remember Underoos? You know you had some!

I have no idea if these are worth anything or not? I did a Google search and found Peter Muldavin who is a collector who has over 12,000 vintage children’s records. He sells CDs and MP3s of old records, check out his music library page… it’s so cool!! WARNING, you might spend a lot of time going through each record like I did. My son is going to LOVE this web site. I’m going to make him listen to “Manners Can Be Fun” over and over.

What do you have in your collection? Anything you kept from your childhood? Please leave a comment and share.

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