One of my dreams is to paint. I used to paint, many, many moons ago. Maybe when the kids are older and say, “Oh mom, you’re so old and embarrassing!” Then I’ll have a reason to poor out my old, withered soul in a painting. Since I don’t have any (good) paintings of my own, I’d like to feature a few artists who will provide you something beautiful to look at today!
Amanda Dunbar is one of my favorite artists. You can view her work here.
I first saw Amanda on Oprah when she was 13 years old on one of those amazing kid episodes. She had a great story about taking an art class and amazing her teacher and parents with her gift. Apparently Amanda had never painted before, but was able to create an impressionistic painting on her first attempt. She says she was guided by angels. I was excited to find out this little girl lived in my home town! We eventually ended up buying several of her paintings and enjoy them very much. I used to see her at Blockbuster and even took a hip hop dance class with her at the gym. That was so strange, shaking it next to a girl who’s been compared to Monet and Renoir! I wonder if Claude ever busta move?
Amanda’s latest project is creating Swarovski Crystal encrusted guitars called Precious Rebels. These playable works of art sell from $15,000 to $75,000. Aren’t these awesome? I wish I played guitar. I wish I had $15,000+ lying around too!
Copywright 2008 Amanda Dunbar, LLC Photos via ABC News and Amanda Dunbar, LLC
A fun artist I discovered through blogging is Fifi at Fifi Flowers Design.
She can create a whimsical original painting from any photo. I would love for her to paint my house or garden. Or maybe one of my favorite vacation pics from Italy or Paris? Oh, I could decorate my daughter’s big girl room with some paintings! Fifi, I’m contacting you when I finally figure out what I want you to paint. It might be a while though, I have a hard time making decisions! ugh.
Copywright 2008 Fifi Flower Designs
If you have a favorite artist, leave a comment and let me know. As I’m held up in my home with preschoolers and in need of some culture!
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WOW… thank you so much! I want to go on Oprah too! And I’m ready to do paintings for you! Just say the word or send the photos! Fifi
I remember seeing Amanda on Oprah and I was completely amazed by her talent. How neat is it that you lived in the same hometown as her?!
I love Fifi! Her paintings just make me happy. -Julia ๐