Okay folks, you know how much I LOVE free downloads. Here are a few I’m sure you will love too.

A fellow graphic designer, Jackie at Wee Life has the cutest scavenger hunt photo lists. Great for small children who can’t read yet. Jackie was kind enough to let me put her park design on my site for you all to download. Visit Wee Life to see the entire collection of urban, beach, forest and park lists… they are so much fun!!

Free Printable Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Download Park Scavenger Hunt

Briar Press has some great free ornaments to download.  Go check out their fun designs for non-commercial use.

OwlA no.1Bird on branch

Freaky about Fridays? Then you’ll like my other Friday Features:

If you love FREE downloads check out my original designs HERE


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  1. I enjoyed your blog. Your download was adorable would you like have it shown at my site also. I would love to invite you to visit my Halloween Blog Party, it would be fun to link to you for your fun download. Here is my address. I hope to hear from you. Deb http://www.cottageinthecountry.blogspot.com

  2. LOve the scavengar hunt download. this is great.

    martha stewart and her blogging room.. now that is awesome! I need a seperate space for blogging.

    i, too, am still looking for my ‘big’ hair photo.. i know i have one.

  3. Who’d ever come up with their own blog studio BUT Martha Stewart?! LOL! It looks a tad bit sterile to me…..mine would need to be cozy ๐Ÿ™‚

    I finally followed up on your tag. It was fun to ponder a bit about the topic. I should probably do more meme kind of things!

    Have a great weekend!

    Tammy ~@~
    Garden Glimpses

  4. You find the neatest stuff online…I love the park scavenger hunt idea. That would be so much fun to do with the kids!

    Angie in OH

    P.S. I’m still looking for that stinkin’ big hair picture of me ~ it’s in my messy basement somewhere. I’m kind of hoping it has disappeared somewhere. ๐Ÿ™‚

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