Over the next few weeks, you’re bound to hear a lot about Blissdom, the blog conference in Nashville. I’m speaking and a ton of my blog friends will be going. I can’t wait to see everyone!!

I’m sad that one of my favorite blog friends, Cheryl @ Tidy Mom, can’t go. Luckily my other friend Cathe turned her into Flat Tidy Mom!! LOL! She even made jammies for her. I love it!

Flat Tidymom

Cathe created free downloads of each body so you can make a flat friend of your own!! Cheryl, I can’t wait to see your flat self at Blissdom. We will have a lot of fun with you… I’m already brainstorming what we can do with you. hee! Go visit Cathe’s blog to download one or two for your friend. Great job Cathe!! That pink outfit cracks me up!

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  1. This is such a cute idea! I’d love to meet you at Blissdom! I think your work is amazing! I’m speaking on Saturday — I can’t wait to hear you!

    Kim 🙂

  2. This post is so adorable!

    If you happen to get a chance, I would LOVE your support on the ELLE DECOR window I did for the Big Window Challenge this year with Apartment Therapy. Check it out at http://www.bigwindowchallenge com. As we all know, AT doesn’t make it easy, but you can vote TWICE a day, once online and the other by texting “1” to 89800.

    Your support means the world to me!!


  3. Those are adorable! And, as a former preschool teacher, I’m thinking that those might be really good for the children who suffer from separation anxiety! Slip one into their backpack, and if they miss mommy, you can just pull her out and let them give her a hug! AND, she can even change clothes…what fun! I love it….
    .-= Pam D´s last blog ..I Heart Faces Week 3-We are family…. =-.

  4. What a great idea. I am going to become a flat mom with your template because this real mom has had it. I think my daughter will enjoy the flat version so much better. In fact, I think I’ll just slip myself into each of their school bags so they can have me with them all the time!!


    Better yet, can I flat myself and you can take me away in your suitcase? I need to get a way for a bit but can’t take the time off from work just now…….
    .-= Dot O´s last blog ..It Won’t Be Like This For Long…. =-.

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