What fun! This would be a great activity for a road trip or airplane trip. LOVE!
I will link to this on my website http://www.theeducationaltourist.com where I write about traveling with kids and learning along the way. I would love a shout out.
Thanks for posting such a clever idea.
Natalie, The Educational Tourist
What fun! This would be a great activity for a road trip or airplane trip. LOVE!
I will link to this on my website http://www.theeducationaltourist.com where I write about traveling with kids and learning along the way. I would love a shout out.
Thanks for posting such a clever idea.
Natalie, The Educational Tourist
How do I print it out
For Halloween or Photo Booth! http://t.co/uxUZuRYr
Gratis vermomset, Uitprinten, vermommen en spelen maar! http://t.co/8BM5Z6Y #DIY, #kids
Uitprinten, vermommen en spelen maar! http://t.co/8BM5Z6Y #DIY#kids#kinderen
for when you need to be incognito: a disguise kit! http://t.co/7YO1BGT
Love it!
Haha, genius!
Need to make a fast getaway? A DIY printable disguise kit. http://bit.ly/eimQCr
Hipster kit
This may come in handy sometime: http://bit.ly/dmRmaV
This is so cute! I love it!
Free disguise kit. http://tinyurl.com/289oxep
So cute! Free printable disguise kit, found by @designcrush https://www.livinglocurto.com/2010/07/disguise-kit-free-printable/
thx-my guys luv'd it! RT @livinglocurto Disguise Kit Printable by Jen Allyson http://goo.gl/fb/nS5kg http://twitpic.com/25aaya