Last night I had dinner with friends I met through blogging and Twitter. This is Screwed Up Texan, me and Antique Mommy.
Both of these women are wonderful writers, they could write everyday and be happy. I envy people who can express themselves with words. I’m not a writer. I wish I was. I am short and sweet. I express myself through a different creative outlet. It was nice being around other women with a passion for something they love, something I admire.
If you blog, I encourage you to get out and meet local bloggers. It’s refreshing to talk about analytics and Wordpress without someone looking at you like you’re crazy. Like me, these women are both artists, moms of boys, women of faith, love photography and bloggers with a voice. It makes me happy to know they are so close. I can’t wait to meet up again. Thanks ladies!
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What fun!! I’ve met up with online friends before and it’s a lot of fun!!
Amy we’ll have to meet up when you come home some time!!
RT @livinglocurto: @screweduptexan @AntiqueMommy Thanks ladies! Last night was fun…
I’m sure y’all weren’t bored for lack of interesting conversation!
I have met several bloggy friends IRL over the years and it has been a tremendous blessing.
Aww.. I don’t know Screwed Up Texan (well, I don’t actually KNOW any of you, but I feel like I do). But Amy and Antique Mommy are two of my favorite bloggers! (two more being Andrea (Drew) and Rebekah (Life with Kaishon), who ALSO got together recently. I’m glad you all got to meet, and I know the conversation had to go from brilliant to roll on the floor laughing in the blink of an eye! Amy, you DO write well, but it’s your creative artwork and photography that really stands out. And I could read Antique Mommy every day (actually, I pretty much do). I’ve directed several “writer” friends to her blog just because she DOES write so well.
Anyway.. thanks for putting faces to names and letting us vicariously join in on your fun!
That just was tons of fun.
It is nice to chat with people who don’t check their watch and then remember an appointment after you mention you have a blog. 🙂 Let’s do it again soon!
Oh wow! That last photo came out beautifully! Me thinks I’m printing the angled photo of me off cause it makes me look like I rock!
Had fun last night with you and AntiqueMommy! I am still not sure what I ate, but it was great! It was fun chatting with other women that share common interests with me as well. I was very surprised to learn that we are each creative artists.
How fun! You’ve inspired me! I have been friends for five years with several women I met on a decorating message board I that used to manage for some HGTV hosts. We keep saying we’re going to get together. They’re in the south, and I live in New England. We’re hoping to get together in the spring.