Anyone see Oprah yesterday? I normally don’t watch, but was excited when I found out Peter Walsh was going to be decluttering homes again! I met Peter last year at Walmart when he was doing a book signing. There was me and about 4 other ladies who had no idea who he was, so I got to talk to him for a while. Needless to say, I had a LOT of questions, because I’m VERY messy.
On Oprah, Peter talked about one of the things we discussed. What to do with your kid’s artwork. I know all of us with little kids probably have our fridge covered in the stuff. It drives me crazy, but I don’t want to throw out the cute things either. You can only frame so many. Peter suggested taking photos of them and making a digital book. Great idea right? Of course it’s been a year and I haven’t taken one photo!
The news you need to know is Snapfish is offering Oprah viewers a FREE 8″x11″ custom-cover photo book!!
Go here and click on the link to get your free book. You have until Friday. It’s valued at $29.99 (I paid a little over $7 for shipping)
I made a Halloween book of course! Be warned… the site was slow from all the traffic. You might want to drink a glass of wine while making your book:-)
I taped this show and am vowing to take 15 minutes per day to do some type of organizing. Mainly cabinets, closests and junk drawers. I figure in about 8 years I’ll have a totally organized house!! My mom actually enjoys organizing… bleeck!!! I’ve talked her into helping me over Thanksgiving. She says I’m like this because I drove her crazy by procrastinating and she would just do things for me. I had to laugh, as she said this, she was ironing my clothes! hee. hee.
I’m glad you enjoyed my Thanksgiving post yesterday. Check out One Pretty Thing for more Thanksgiving ideas. Look at this turkey baby hat. Too funny!!
My sweet online, never met, but is now by best friend forever, Angie sent me this adorable photo. She recieved her package of goodies for winning the Best Photo in my Halloween contest. Her son REALLY likes his new little spider. ha! She’s so darn good at capturing moments. I would have never thought to take a photo of that! Thanks for making my day Angie:-)
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The book thing is a great idea. I have actually scanning my daughters artwork/awards/schoolwork, etc. and posting them on her own little blog (that she writes herself). Maybe then I can slurp them to blurb and making the book will be any easier.
But the main reason I stopped by was to say THANK YOU!!! I got the prizes in the mail today and I am so excited! What fun gifts! I wasn’t expecting that much. And now with my Martha DVD, I’ll have an edge on the competition for next years’ party!
Thanks again!
You better believe that I WILL sign up for the free photobook. Does this mean we have to make the book and order it by then? Ugggh, I’m afraid of the answer since tomorrow is Friday or do you mean next Friday? Anyway, I wanna do that. I made a book for my dad for his b-day and he loved it, he took it to work w/ him and showed it off to his patients. Sweet! Hope you’re doing well and get to that organizing girl.
Organizing: I LOVE doing it, but my kids LOVE messing it up. MY unorganized brain and house is driving me crazy!!!
Carrie, did Clean Sweep get cancelled? I watch TLC all of the time and sometimes you just don’t notice that some shows aren’t on anymore.
Thanks for giving the name of the show. The fact that I couldn’t remember it was driving me nuts today!
So cool you got to meet him. People he worked with on the show always seemed to get so emotional when trying to part with their belongings and he was so nice with them.
I LOVE Peter Walsh, and I’ve met him also!! I have an autographed copy of his book, “It’s all too much!”
Unfortunately, it is sitting in my basement in a box of crap. Ooops…
The show was called Clean Sweep and I was this close to calling in my Mom’s house. Let’s just say, I know where I get my clutter problem from.
hey girl…i watched it last night and cleaned out my whole bedroom, dresser and all…and i’m taking a bag to goodwill today! he is so very motivating, isn’t he? if i could have a dose of that every day my house would be tidy and completely anally organized!!! i am like the clothes lady…clothes everywhere all over the floor, closet, bathroom, etc. only difference, i KNOW what i have i just can’t FIND what i have… and i’m waiting for a “piles of crap” segment. also, i cannot throw away their artwork. if i can’t see and feel the brushstroke or the grooves of their little handprints on the hand turkey, i can’t do it. that’s something i just can’t do. …well…off to preschool… blessings!
Hi! Saw your Tweet on twitter about this 🙂
I love that idea, thanks for the heads up!
I loved watching this guy when he was on TLC in the series where they declutter your house. The name escapes me but I watched it all of the time, to the point that my family left me by myself when it was on ’cause they were tired of me coming up with ideas to get rid of stuff.
I hope to be able to take advantage of the free book from Snapfish if I get the time. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the heads up, Amy!
The big thing that’s keeping me from my quest to declutter is the fact that I’m always on my computer chatting with my friends and visiting all of their blogs!
I signed up for the free book on Snapfish last night and am going to take some time today to put it at all together. Thank you so much for the heads-up on that one! Wow ~ what a deal!
I am one of those people who loves to organize and my home USED to be completely organized…until the five kids came along. (Hubby counts as a kid because when it comes to cleaning and picking up after himself, he does nothing.) Now I am completely overwhelmed and frustrated by it all. I think the 15 minutes a day idea is a great one.
And thanks again for the gift box you sent our family! I still can’t believe you sent us all those beautiful things ~ it was like Christmas in November around here. I seriously love everything about you girl! 🙂