Amazing Kids Craft Room - House Tour - design by Margaret Norcott of Milieu Design Group

I recently met Margaret Norcott, Principal of Milieu Design Group. I was wowed by the Kids Craft Suite she designed for the Atlanta Symphony Show House and Gardens. Can you imagine having this in your home? I think most of us would rather have this for ourselves… forget the kids! ha!

Amazing Kids Craft Room - House Tour - design by Margaret Norcott

I love meeting amazing talent! Margaret has inspired me with some fabulous ideas for our new tree house. Enjoy this creative design tour!

Amazing Kids Craft Room - House Tour - design by Margaret Norcott

Amazing Kids Craft Room - House Tour - design by Margaret Norcott

Amazing Kids Craft Room - House Tour - design by Margaret Norcott

  • Paint by:  Atlanta’s Paint Doctor (Archie Deese)
  • Window Treatment by: Giordano Window Treatments (Donna Giordano)
  • FLOR Tiles by: InterfaceFLOR (Atlanta Showroom)
  • Chairs & Desk Lamps by: Room & Board (Atlanta Showroom)
  • Womb Chair & Green Stones by: Knoll Furniture (Atlanta Showroom)
  • Folk Art provided by: Matilda’s Cottage
  • Custom Recycled Violin & Recycle Sign provided by: re-Inspiration Gallery
  • Fabrics:  Kravet Fabrics, Duralee and Trina Turk for F.Schumacher

Thanks for the great inspiration Margaret!

What was your favorite part of the room?

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  1. This is great, but is it really do-able? Most of us would have to convert our living areas to create such a space. Any ideas on how to do something like this as a guest room? That way it could serve double duty.

  2. the room is beautiful.. I wanted to know how I could buy your girls rock things for a party i am having.. NOvember.. please let me know.. I could not find it in your store.. and the template for the purse…. So cute..
    you could email me at

  3. Oh my…fabulous…I would love a room like that for my grand-kids….that would be sure to make me their favorite grammer =)

  4. I’m gobsmacked. Wow. Iwould give my right arm for space like this to keep all my daughter’s toys and crafts!

  5. That would be such a great space for me, as well as my granddaughters! Of course, I would want it to always look as neat and organized as it does in the pictures. I’m afraid I would have to have more doors behind which to hide things! Wish I had the talent that you girls have–I can copy, but I’m not creative! Oh well, maybe in my next life!

  6. I am in awe of her talent. It is childโ€™s dream come true! I can even see sleepovers taking place in a space like this! Definately some amazing ideas to enrich childrenโ€™s lives!

  7. I am in awe of her talent. It is child’s dream come true! I can even see sleepovers taking place in a space like this! Definately some amazing ideas to enrich children’s lives!

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