Tips for how to do a cookie exchange with fun Cookie Swap Party Ideas. Christmas printables with party invitations, recipe cards, labels and tags!
Fun Cookie Swap Party Ideas. Christmas printables with party invitations, recipe cards, labels and tags! Tips for how to do a cookie exchange.

Fun Cookie Exchange Christmas Printables!

I wanted to host a cookie exchange this year for Christmas, so I designed a fun Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection! 

Tips for how to do a cookie exchange. Fun Cookie Swap Party Ideas. Christmas printables with party invitations, recipe cards, labels and tags!

A cookie swap or exchange is easy to plan with these party printables!

Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection by

Invite friends to make one dozen homemade cookies per guest, plus an extra dozen for sampling. Then swap them with each other at a fun gathering. Creating a pretty table is easy with some coordinating dishes and printable labels for the cookies!

Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection by

Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection by

Make sure your guests share their cookie recipes. Have some coordinating recipe cards available if they don’t bring their own.

Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection by - Cookie Exchange

Ask everyone to bring a container or box to take home their stash of cookies. If they forget, have some cute paper plates and large Ziplock bags ready for them. Decorate them with ribbon and cute tags.

Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection by - Cookie Exchange

The fun part is you’ll have a bunch of great cookies to share with friends or just eat yourself! Yum!

Cookie Swap Party Printable Collection by - Cookie Exchange


The Cookie Swap Printable Party Collection Includes:

  • 5 x 7 Invitation (with customizable text fields)
  • Cookie Labels
  • Sign to use for a centerpiece or door sign.
  • 3 x 5 Recipe Cards
  • 2″ Circle Tags (two designs)

Exclusive Printable – Cookie Swap Printable Party Collection

  • Download this printable party collection in my Exclusive Fun Club Membership Area. (This link takes you to more information about my membership section, then you can join for lots of great designs including this one!)
  • For use with the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader. For personal use only. * Members Log In Here.

Join the Living Locurto Fun Club! Membership with fun printables each month.

© 2012-2017   See right-hand sidebar for terms.


Need some great cookie ideas? Check out these recipes:

Share the fun!

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  1. Hi Amy
    I would like to download your free cookie exchange printables. Could you e-mail a link to me so that I can do the download? Thanks!

  2. Would love to download but am not on Facebook. Any chance these could be emailed to me? Thanks for your consideration of this request. Have a blessed day, Kaye

  3. Would love to have these printables for my upcoming swap. Could you send me a copy of them.

  4. Is there another way to get these printables? They don’t come up in facebook when I click on the link.

  5. Is there an email version of this so I can download the cookie exchange free package?

  6. Hi Amy
    I don’t do face book, however I would like to download your free cookie exchange printables. Could you e-mail a link to me so that I can do the download? Thanks!

  7. I can’t get this to download at all – it just sort of “hangs up”. Even updated Acrobat but still nothing happens.

  8. i wish it would let me download them, but it’s not. ๐Ÿ™
    thanks for offering these & please let us know when it’s working again. thanks!

  9. Hi there! I love your blog and products! I did try to download your cookie swap freebie, but it will not complete the download, giving an error message that the file is damaged. I would love to know when it’s working, so I could try again – thank you!

  10. Hi…
    I thought the printables were going to be available at the end of Nov, but I just checked back today the update says that they will not be available until Nov 2012. Is there any way to get the printables?


  11. I already receive your newsletter, will be hosting a cookie swap and would love the printables, how can I get them?

  12. Felicitaciones por su blog es mi favorito. Tengo problemas para descargar este de cookies y deseaba saber si podia decir que ora forma tengo para hacerlo.

    Gracias y exito!

  13. Hi Love this design am I missing something b/c I can’t seem to find the link to print the ideas.


  14. These are SO cute! I signed up for the email updates and got the butterflies. I’d really like the cookie swap set. Any way to make that happen? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you!!

  15. Is there anyway to still get this cookie printable? I got the butterflies and in my email came thank you notes. I LOVE the cookie swap one!! So happy to have found your site just bought the lego party yesterday for my son!! Wish you had dinosaurs for my other boy.

  16. Amy…thank you soooo much for these awesome printables!!
    they will work perfectly for our church Christmas cookie exchange!! ?7sisters…

  17. I dont see a link? I have to be a member or get a newsletter to print? My party is Sat. thanks in advance.

  18. Hi Amy~
    Like several others here, I’ve decided to do a ‘Cocktails and Cookies’ Party this year, and have been going CrAzY looking for a cute, just perfect printable!

    Lucky Me! I found yours!
    My invites need to go out before Thanksgiving, so hope to get the downloads soon?!
    Can’t wait!


  19. First of all, thanks for sharing these. I love them and will totally be putting them to use!

    I also signed up and received the butterfly stuff instead of the cookie exchange! Please help as these are SO cute!!


  20. I loved this and it came at a perfect time for me to! Was just telling my mother about having one of these parties this year. You not only saved me half of the work, you made them look great!

    I’m definitely linking this up on my brand new, fledgling blog!

  21. I am already signed up for the newsletter can I still get the Cookie Swap print out. I am having one in December and would love to use it. Thank you.


  22. I also was only offered the butterfly printables and not the cookie swap. Not that I don’t like the butterfly ones, but I really could use the cookie swap ones. thanks in advance.

  23. Hi Amy, when I signed up I got the butterfly printables and not the cookie swap ones. Is there still a way to get these. They are super cute!!

  24. Great! I do a cookie swap every year with a mom’s group I help organize. We turn it into a big playdate for the kids and usually do some sort of book swap too! Last year I got the waitress at Red Robin to hook me up with a whole bunch of these adorable paper gingerbread houses they had out on the tables. At the party, we let the kids decorate the outside, and they were perfect to fill with cookies and take home ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. How come I can’t download, even though I’m already a member? Is it just for new members? I love these for my annual cookie exchange! So cute!

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