I’ve been so busy launching our new I ? Faces web site that I forgot to put this video online!

This captures what our Christmas was like. Full of Star Wars and excitement!!! Please note it’s so early it was still dark! I’m laughing at my voice. I had to run for my camera and got there just in time to catch this moment.

Christmas Morning from Amy @ Living Locurto on Vimeo.

The rest of the morning looked like this:

My daughter’s big gift was a little pink and purple tricycle. But really all we needed to get her was chapstick! ha. All morning she put on her “lipstick”. She did get into the presents after covering her face in KoolAid flavored chapstick. Christmas is so much fun with little ones.

Hope you had an exciting Christmas too!

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  1. Adorable Amy!! Your children are just adorable! This year was the first year we forget the video camera, but then, again, at 14 and 17 I think my kids would not be nearly as “adorable”, although I have to say that the “magic” was with us until 4 years ago with my 14 yr old son – we made it that far with him so we were blessed with 13 magical Christmases!!

    Have a great rest of your weekend!

    Dot Oโ€™s last blog post..Holiday Bokeh

  2. I can’t even imagine when the kids get too old to enjoy the “magic” anymore. I’m going to start crying just thinking about it. ๐Ÿ™ That video of your little guy is priceless!

    (Note To Self: You need to remember to use your video camera Angie!!!)

    Super cute Amy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Arthur Clanโ€™s last blog post..Dramatic Sky.

  3. I love seeing videos of kids opening their Christmas presents. :o) That’s funny with your daughter and Chapstick. Kids sure find joy in small and simple things.
    Thanks for visiting and commenting in my blog. It’s nice to meet you too!
    Btw, your cat sure looks like a stuffed kitty, so huggable. LOL

    Babetteโ€™s last blog post..I’ve Had My Fill…

  4. Christmas is magic with little ones around!! You can’t beat it..they get so excited..I wish I could bottle it!!
    Thank you for sharing it in the photos and video.

    Juneโ€™s last blog post..Insomniacs Unit!!

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