You are in for a treat! While I’m at the I Heart Faces Photography Workshop, a few bloggy friends will be guest posting for me. Yay!
Today, I’m happy to introduce you to Cheryl. She’s a mom of two gorgeous daughters and has a love of crafting, photography and baking like me. She’s known as Tidy Mom over at her blog and if you haven’t visited her yet, better head over there after you read this yummy post for some great inspiration!
Take it away Cheryl…
Hi everyone!! —it’s Cheryl aka TidyMom!
Yes, I’m a mom with a slight tidiness obsession, but I have a passion for baking, crafting and photography! I was so excited when Amy asked me to fill in for her while she’s gone! Although, I have to be honest, I wish I could be at the workshop with her and Angie, but guest posting on Living Locurto is the next best thing!!
Amy said to share a recipe or craft, and since I do recipes MUCH better than I craft……..I thought I’d share a fabulous Chocolate Chip Banana Bread recipe that everyone just LOVES!
With the holidays quickly approaching, what better gift than a fresh loaf of Banana Bread from your own oven! You can use reusable mini-muffin-loaf pans, but I like to bake my banana bread in disposable foil pans for easy gift giving. Just cool, pop on the plastic tops that come with most pans or seal in clear wrap, and tie with ribbon or with a decorative tea towel. It makes a lovely package plus you don’t have to worry about getting the loaves out of the pans.
You can make the mini loaves ahead and freeze them for up to a month.
Now…..on to the ‘best EVER’ treat!
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
(makes 1 large loaf or 4 mini loaves)
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
3-4 mashed bananas
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 – 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
walnuts if desired
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Cream together sugar and butter, add eggs one at a time. Mix in milk, bananas and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients.
Pour into greased loaf pan. Bake for about 60 mins for regular loaf pan, or 30 mins for mini loaves.
*Tip- you can freeze your ripe bananas if you’re not ready to bake when they turn ripe, or if you don’t have enough – I usually have a freezer full of bananas. Just remove the skins, and put the bananas in a zip-lock bag and place in the freezer – thaw when ready to make bread!
Thanks again Amy for inviting me over today!!
Let’s try it at home..
RT @bananabreadnut : Choc Chip Banana Bread | Living Locurto – Creative Ideas … (kids love to help make it!)
as if banana bread could get any better????? Definitely going to try this out. The only thing missing in the pantry tonight is the choc chips. 🙁
This looks so yummy! I think I’ll surprise my husband make it! Thanks for the recipe!
Yummy Cheryl!! Thanks so much for the recipe, I can smell that slice from here! Mmmmmmm.
Yay Cheryl! That’s delish.
.-= Mod Podge Amy´s last blog ..Get your countdown ready with Christmas advent boxes. =-.
Want to try this recipe for Chocolate Chip Banana Bread:
Just made your banana bread as muffins! (Don’t have a bread pan.) Half the recipe made 12 muffins. They are great! My son loves muffin, especially for breakfast so this will be great tomorrow morning!
.-= Pepper´s last blog ..Wordle is so fun! =-.
RT @livinglocurto RT @Tidymom: I'm guest posting today for @livinglocurto !! come check it out!
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread! RT @livinglocurto: RT @Tidymom: guest posting today for @livinglocurto !!
I'm guest posting today for @livinglocurto !! come check it out!
Oh this looks so good and I just happen to have a few ripe bananas that are just waiting for me to make this.
.-= Diane {}´s last blog ..Muffin to it! =-.
That looks awesomely delicious! I’ll bet the chocolate chips just make it so yummy
.-= he & me + 3´s last blog ..The Great Shoot Out! =-.
Sometimes you can purchase overly ripe bananas at a discount, usually 50% off) from some grocers (check with the produce dept). Krogers is selling bananas at 39 cents a pound on THIS week’s ad in DFW. Check your local Kroger for confirmation.
Thanks for the recipe!
.-= Screwed Up Texan´s last blog ..I’m a Rookie =-.
Mmmm…chocolate chip banana bread! Looks like it would be perfect for breakfast, snacks, dessert….what I’m saying is….I don’t think it would last a day in our house! 🙂
Currently Browsing: Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Living Locurto – Creative Ideas …
Thanks for having me Amy!! Hope you’re having a GREAT time at the conference!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Love the Pie Reminder!! =-.