What the heck does chickens, fish and a golf cart mean? Well, for me, that means I’ve traveled back to my small hometown… Pawhuska, Oklahoma!

Pawhuska Oklahoma - Hometown May Trip Living Locurto Chicken

We just returned home from a 5 hour drive from Dallas to visit my family in Oklahoma. For some reason when you turn 40, your back hurts the next day after a long trip like that! So I’m taking it easy today and thought I would share some photos of our country visit.

Pawhuska Oklahoma - Field of Flowers

If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably already seen my Pawhuska trip photos. I love Instagram when I go on a trip because it’s like a diary, helping me keep track of memories in photos.

Pawhuska Oklahoma - Hometown May Trip Living Locurto

Since it was Memorial Day weekend, we spent one entire afternoon with my 85 year old Grandma walking around the cemetery putting flowers and flags out to remember our family members. It was a good history lesson for our kids. Since my son is really into history and especially World War II, he loved hearing the stories about who was in what battle and what they did during the war. I hope I can remember these stories one day. When I was a kid, I thought those stories were boring. I’m happy to see my son interested in them! I know I am now!

We always love going to my aunt’s house to fish (YES! I finally caught a few fish!), play with chickens and now… ride a golf cart! Yeah, most people have four wheelers or dirt bikes in the country. Nope, not my family… we’re fancy and have a golf cart! ha! Apparently, my aunt knew someone who was selling cheap golf carts so it was a deal she couldn’t refuse. Plus, it comes in handy to to cart things around the land.

My kids have been dying to drive this thing. It’s all they have been talking about since my aunt told us she bought it. So since this was their first time to drive, the golf cart was new (new to us) and there are trees, hills and rocks everywhere, I assumed an adult would ride with them as they drove.

Naaaa, my aunt showed them  how to use it and then they were off!! Alone. Screaming. Laughing. My stomach was not so happy. I had a bad feeling about this…


After they got the hang of it, I rode with them and shot this video

And yes, just as I thought, the golf cart excursion ended with a BANG into a tree!!!  All was well, but I had a feeling that would happen. Moms just know these things!!!

It was a fast and fun trip. Great to see my Mom, Aunt and Grandma for a bit, but now it’s back to the normal routine and work in Texas. I hope you had a fun and save Memorial Day Weekend as well.

Help Oklahoma

Speaking of Oklahoma, I hope you will help me spread the word about my Oklahoma Prints.

I’m donating 100% of sales in May to help the Oklahoma Tornado Victims. Thank You!!



What did you do over the long weekend?


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