Cheesy Chicken Muffins Recipe at

I have been working on my weekly meal plans, but have been way too swamped to get them on the computer in a nice format.

I hope to start posting more recipes in full force when I get back from Blissdom. Here is a sneak peek at one yummy chicken recipe I will be putting on a future meal plan.

These Chicken Muffins are so good and even great eaten cold!


  • 1 can Pillsbury dough (I used the kind that you have to cut- you can use Crescent Rolls or Puff Pastry as well)
  • 1-2 cups Shredded Chicken (I used an already cooked rotisserie chicken)
  • 3/4 cup Cream Cheese
  • 1 tablespoon Dried or Fresh Chopped Onion (optional)
  • 1/2 Finely Diced Red Pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons Milk
  • 1/4 tsp Dried Thyme
  • Salt & Pepper to Taste
  • 1 Tablespoon Parmesan Cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Cut dough into squares and place in muffin tin that has been covered with cooking spray.
  4. Put a large spoonful of mixture inside and seal by twisting the top shut.
  5. Spray or brush with butter sprinkle parmesan cheese and thyme on top.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes.


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  1. Thanksโ€ฆ Nevertheless one more outstanding admittance, itโ€™s really the reason all of returned to the actual website time and again!

  2. Okay, made these tonight for dinner. My husband FREAKED OUT, they were so good!

    I found out (too late) I didn’t have enough cream cheese, so I threw in 1/4 (2 oz) of soft goat cheese.

    I will absolutely make these again!!!!!!!!

    Thanks. XO.

  3. YUMMO! Those look delicious! And Rachel-proof! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the comment on our blog… unfortunately, I’m afraid the whole “oops I destroyed the camper” was all in revenge for the Kirby vacuum cleaner attacking me. That was the original link in the post – please do not read it if you still have any measure of respect for me, hee hee!

    And I totally think you should post a picture of you with your acid wash jacket and big hair! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. these look so scrumptious! I hope I remember this recipe next time I make chicken.
    (too bad I already made some tonight… super yummy chicken cordon bleu sandwiches)
    .-= Sara E´s last blog ..before & after =-.

  5. A good friend of mine does the same thing with homemade roll dough. Instead of allowing the dough to rise, she just rolls it out and creates pockets for the chicken mixture. They are amazing. Great shortcut to use Pilsbury!

  6. I love these! I have used this recipe many times, but always just made a pocket for the chicken with the dough and then wrapped it up. I love the idea of doing it in a muffin tin. Cool!
    .-= Tanya´s last blog ..Media Monday =-.

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