If you haven’t noticed yet, I’ve added a link to my shop! I finally organized a page with some of my goodies.



Several of you asked where you could get one of those Super Mom Shirts, so I added them to my Cafe Press Shop. Hopefully they will turn out as cute as they look! Be sure to visit my shop page to see all the different colors.


I also made Moms Rocks shirts. These were a big hit with my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group last year. I have these in regular shirts, hoodies and a maternity. I think the maternity one is so cute!


I loved these yellow and black designs I did last May, so I uploaded them to Cafe Press too.


So now you know about my shop. I hope you go visit:-)




P.S. – For those of  you who wanted a Sunday Days of the Week Tag, I made one for you! Here is the Sunday Tag in both bright and pastel color. Sorry this took so long.

Picture 124


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  1. Thanks for the Sunday tags! We’re going out of town for the rest of the week so I think I’ll use the tags for my son’s clothes. Maybe I need a set for mine as well? : ) Good luck with your shop, I’m sure it will be great.

  2. tee-shirts? hoodies? you are one crazy girl!!! and they’re DARLING!! i’m going to visit now! and p.s. i tried emailing you today and it came back undeliverable…what gives?

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