The I ? Faces girls finally meet face to face!! Angie was everything I expected her to be and more. We instantly fell into BFF mode, like we’d been friends forever.

Angie’s first comment to me was, “You’re JUST the same in person as you are on your blog!” I have to take that as my biggest compliment of the weekend. Maybe that’s because I’m not a writer as much as a talker. I think many bloggers are way more comfortable writting and it took a while for them to open up. I noticed that as soon as I entered the hotel and all the woman were on their laptop instead of talking to one another. It was a very strange scene to me, but I loved it all the same. It was the one time I didn’t feel rude by Twittering on my iPhone!

One of the first bloggers I ever met online was Julia from Hooked on Houses. It was awesome getting to hang out in person. Julia is also just the exact same live as in her blog:-)

And you might recognize some of these wonderful women!

Kim from Endless Possiblities, Emily from Chatting at the Sky (she cracks me up!), The Nester, Laryssa from Heaven In The home, Me, Melissa from The Inspired Room and Sandy from 4 Reluctant Entertainers

I sat on the plane with Momma DJane. She was scared of flying, but did great and is just the cutest little thing ever! This is her on the left with the super nice Katja from Skimbaco Lifestyle.

DJane introduced me to 12 Seconds. It’s really cool. Check out this clip she put online of us from the plane.

Amy in Ohio planned a dinner for a group of Ohio bloggers. Since I was with 2 of my favorite Ohio girls (Angie & Julia) I crashed the party. We had the most fun with this group of hilarious women and the craziest waiter ever. I like this photo of him talking about his “Hot, chocolate nuts.”

After dinner, 13 of these women were caught in the elevator for 30 minutes!!! I think I missed being stuck with them by a bathroom break, but found out by everyone Twittering about it. That’s the thing about being with bloggers… you don’t have to be there to know what’s going on! LOL! Heather the Queen of Shake Shake wrote a hysterical story about it on her blog.

More women I met who if they weren’t already a blog crush of mine, they are now…

Allison at Blissfully Domestic – I just can’t get over all this women does!! She had her youngest baby with her and he was so adorable. What an awesome lady and tall too. She can sure throw a great party!!

Liz at Sucessful Blog – Liz is my new blog crush!! We sat together the second day and I had the best time talking with her. She totally cracks me up and probably one of the nicest ladies I’ve ever met.

Tsh at Simple Mom – I was excited to talk to Tsh. She was super nice and helpful. I just really love everything about her.

Melanie  from Blogging Basics 101 – I had the best time chatting with her, we can talk techy web site talk! Love that! I think she’s got some great ideas coming up for everyone. I’m jealous of the Flip she carries around too. I’ve gotta get one of those.

Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer – We sat together on the shuttle and were half asleep by that time. I would have loved to talked with her more! You know I love the Oklahoma girls since that’s where I’m from:-)

Leslie at Mrs. Flinger – My new programming, tech loving girlfriend!! I’m so glad I met this wild and crazy gal! I hope we get to work together soon. Poor Angie had to hear us talk shop at dinner. We are also both in total love with our iPhones.

Jessica at Jessica Knows – I have never seen anyone walk and type on a laptop while talking to people!! This woman can really multi-task. It was great just watching her work:-) She was very sweet and helpful to so many bloggers.

Megan from Velveteen Mind – I just want to talk this blogger’s head off. I hope I didn’t come across as a stalker when I did talk to her! LOL!

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality – Talk about Southern Style…. Rhoda was exactly that! And finally another tall woman, I was feeling like a giant until I ran into her. ha!

Kimba at A Soft Place to Land – I was really excited to meet Kimba in person. She’s so bubbly and cute! I almost didn’t recognize her with her fun new bangs.

Jen from Balancing Beauty and Bedlam – She was super sweet, just like her blog.

Sugar Jones -A genuine, cool mom! I know we’d be great friends if we were in the same town.

Michelle  White Trash Mom – Talk about hilarious in person! She probably won’t remember me, but I had a hoot just being in the same room with her.

Julie from Cool Mom Guide – We sat at a table together and she sure made me laugh!

Renee from Cutie Booty Cakes – Right away I got her bubbly, fun, creative mom, vibe. Wish we had more time to talk.

Carrissa from Mom It Forward – What a great tell it like it is, fun lady! Mom It Forward gave my plane partner, Momma DJane, a brand new laptop!! (Sorry I missed you Jyl!)

Janine from Two fer the Price of One – Janine a mom of twins and I met as we were leaving, wish I had more time to chat!

Kristen from We Are That Family – Kristen is such a tiny sweet thing! It was fun seeing her in person.

Jody at Have Kid Will Travel – We met at the airport, I wish I had more time to talk to this cool Iowa mom!

Amy at Resourceful Mommy – Amy just started blogging and has the best ideas!

Briana at Bargain Briana – If you want to find bargains, she’s your gal.

Jen Lancaster, best-selling author of Bitter is the New Black and Such a Pretty Fat was the keynote speaker. She was funny and genuine. I had a blast talking with her too.

I’m sure there are several that I’m forgetting for lack of sleep. Please leave you link in the comments if I meet you:-)

Angie and Amy’s silliness to be continued…

If you want to learn more about what went on at the conference visit Musings of a Housewife’s Mr. Linky or  get the Blissdom 09 transcripts.

Thanks Angie for taking all these great photos!

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  1. We met a couple times and I had to have you re-into yourself b/c honestly all the faces (faces that I <3) all started to meld together.

    It was awesome and it was an honor to be a part of it!

  2. Tell it like it is.. sometimes that’s not always so good huh? I loved you guys. and I’m way excited to see what’s coming down the pipeline for you! I think I’m just going to call you the two-faces or something!


  3. The conference was a blast! I too wish we had more time to chat. I felt like there were so many people and so little time. And at BlogHer I am sure that feeling is going to be even worse. But it will be great to see familiar faces and hopefully we can spend more time together.

  4. Amy, so glad it was so much fun for you and for Angie! With this internet stuff, the world seems to get smaller and smaller, doesn’t it.

    Love the pics, especially the “dorky” thumbs up!!

    Dot O’s last blog post..It’s The Little Things

  5. What a great recap of the event Amy (you just had to use that dorky thumbs-up photo, didn’t you?!)

    I have now officially posted about you on my blog now. Don’t hate me! 😉

    theArthurClan’s last blog post..Meeting Amy.

  6. I love your recap. Thanks for sharing. I would love to go to one of those live flesh conferences! Are you going to Blogher?

    I am going to chx out all these gals you listed! Thanks for sharing your network of other cool chicks! I love your style and trust your intros!

    Andrea Cook’s last blog post..My Girl Likes to Potty All The Time

  7. It was tons of fun that’s for sure. Now we need to get together again sometime since we are close. At least for lunch! I must admit, flying was much easier when having you to chat with!

  8. Loved your post. What a great thing to shout out everyone like that. Sounds like you had a terrific time. I’m thinking everyone feels this way. I definitely know I did.

    I know I met you once, because I remember your shirt :). But, I, too, am sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk. I literally thought I had met and chatted with everyone at the conference until I started reading everyone’s post, realizing how many gals I didn’t get to know. Blissdom10, right? We’ll just have to tweet until then :). I’m looking forward to it.

    Jyl (Mom It Forward)’s last blog post..Mom It Forward’s Mother of All Giveaways!

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