Don’t know about you. But the New Year got me thinking about my favorite times of 2008. Our trip to the Outerbanks was my most memorable trip of the year.

The view from our hotel. I think I took 50 shots of the sunset and they were all different.

I love this shot of my daughter. The sky and sand don’t look real to me.

View more of our vacation photos here.

Check out Sky Watch Friday for more awesome sky photos from around the globe.

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  1. Amy, you captured what are the usual beautiful skies of the outer banks! I love your shots and they make me even more eager to book our 2009 vaca soon!

    Your daughter is a beautiful addition to the beach scene!

    Happy SWF!

  2. The photos are beautiful and what a wonderful place to take a vacation. Happy SWF and Happy 2009.

    Suzanneโ€™s last blog post..

  3. Man- those pictures sure made me wish for a trip to the coast!
    I’m excited for your new “faces” site- fun!
    Have a wonderful day

  4. Very peaceful and serene shots. The colors are so lovely – your shots could be watercolor paintings – and the one with your daughter is charming. Thanks for sharing from your part of the world.

    Linneaโ€™s last blog post..Skywatch Friday

  5. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Your photos here are awesome! We’re in Virginia and used to go to the Outer Banks just about every year. These inspire me to take a trip back. I checked out the rest of your vacation photos and I think they’re excellent…you’re such a good photographer! Happy SkyWatch! :o)

    Also, your site is beautiful!

    earthtohollyโ€™s last blog post..SkyWatch Friday No. 25

  6. Hello, Amy!

    Today i must stop by and drop a line to thank you for the snowball-effect joy your ideas and links have brought to me this Christmas. I only found blogging a few weeks before. It’s a great joy to find all these free downloads and share the delight of making things yourself with friends who receive the results of our hands. meanwhile, we have been so happy discovering, wondering, pondering, doing and being excited. Happiness.


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