I was wanting to buy some chalkboard paint to make gifts. I came across these super cute ideas and thought I would share. These easy crafts would make great gifts anytime of the year!

Plastic Silver Chalkboard ($2 per each)

Chalkboard Chargers ($1 each at Dollar Store)


Chalkboard Flower Pot ($2 or less)


Mini Chalkboard Art (Chalkboards $1)


Chalkboard Mug (Free Re-Purposed Mug)


Have you heard about Liquid Chalk? These pens would work fabulous for some of these crafts. You can even find them in Neon Colors. They are a great alternative to the usual chalkboard paint.

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  1. those chalk makers are only for writing ON chalkboard, they erase. Dont use them as a substitute for chalkboard paint!

  2. Love all these ideas! I am a little obsessed with chalkboards latley. Did you know there is chalkboard contact paper now? I found some on Amazon and at Michaels! Ahh the possibilities….

  3. I am lovin’ that silver tray chalkboard. I started making a chalkboard for my kitchen notes using a peel and stick version (not the paint) and I was chewing on some ideas for a cute way to frame it. I’ll be off to the Dollar store and the Goodwill tomorrow to see if I can find something similar for mine. It’s just perfect! Thanks for the idea! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Thanks for this great post! It’s the perfect activity crafting to do with tweenagers, and I’m planning on doing just that this month for our monthly Design Star Girls workshop! Thanks so much!
    -jo from Ottlite.com/blog

  5. I bought chalkboard paint last year and painted the squares that outstanded in the office and playroom area. I also painted a picture and the frame and have it in the kitchen to write notes and inspiration messages. Very cute!

  6. Super ideas! I love chalkboard paint and how you’ve used it on some things I never thought of!

  7. This could have not come at a more perfect time! I just ordered COLORED chalkboard craft paint, I am talking pink, brown, green, etc. and I just love the mug silhouette idea! Thanks for compiling these! I found the paint by Plaid at Crafts for Less.


    P.S. I am a new follower and love that you find all the awesome free printables! I already have plans for Valentines Day cards!

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